Graduation Day At Riverdale High

Riverdale — “Chapter Seventy-Nine: Graduation” — Image Number: RVD503fg_0071r — Pictured (L-R): Drew Ray Tanner as Fangs Fogarty, Casey Cott as Kevin Keller, Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper, Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones, Charles Melton as Reggie Mantle, KJ Apa as Archie Andrews, Madelaine Patsch as Cheryl Blossom, Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge, Vanessa Morgan as Toni Topaz and Jordan Connor as Sweet Pea — Photo: The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

  Riverdale High’s graduation year is nothing like the teen expected it to be. In this episode of Riverdale Chapter Seventy-Nine “Graduation”, Jellybean and other children were discovered as the culprit behind the videotapes. Jellybean was overlooked as a suspect because she acts innocent. Her ability to do this was a surprise, but her parents and brother aren’t so innocent either. F.P decided that the environment in Riverdale is poisoning his daughter and that it would be best if he takes Jelly Bean back to Toledo, Ohio. Now that Jughead and Betty are heading off to college after graduation, the separation between their parents won’t be so bad. Plus, I thought it was weird for them to be dating, to begin with. 

  Archie’s last chance

Principal Weatherbee informed Archie that he would not graduate with his friends, but he could still walk with them. Graduation High School was supposed to be a special moment for Archie and his dad. As he got closer to graduation day, he missed his father more. It wasn’t certain if Archie and Veronica could ever repair their relationship, but that uncertainty quickly vanished. Archie’s decision to not stay in Riverdale was a relief. Instead, he enlisted in the army. Veronica was being selfish about his career decision by making it about her. She is going off to college, so there is no reason for him to stay. For all, we know the moment they shared in bed was goodbye sex. Veronica will have a new partner sooner or later, but she will always love Archie.

The Heartbreakers Of Riverdale

  Jughead’s reaction to Betty and Archie’s kiss was odd. I expected Jughead’s and Archie’s friendship to fall apart, but it’s too much of a realistic plot for this show. We see more altercations between teens and adults than each other. The biggest heartbreak was the split of Choni. In previous episodes, I expressed my love for this couple because I believe their love is the most genuine of all. Cheryl has too much potential to stay in Riverdale, it would be a shame if she turned out like her mother. Cheryl could be a Hollywood celebrity because of her big personality. Without Toni by her side, there is a possibility that she won’t remain that she will remain level-headed.

Rating: 3/5

   I rated this episode of Riverdale Chapter Seventy-Nine “Graduation” 3 out of 5 stars. This episode was disappointing because I expected it to be grander. The transformation to adulthood wasn’t special for these teens because they never acted like kids, to begin with. From the beginning, there was a shift in the story angel. Everyone began to drift apart. This episode showcased the reality of life after high school. Typically you’re not friends or in relationships with the same people, but it’s different for this group of friends. Again, I feel like this season is rushed. This episode would’ve been perfect for one last musical. Although this episode didn’t meet my expectations, I did enjoy seeing Archie take control of his life. Hopefully, the group of friends keeps their promise. 

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