cobra kai

Image Source: Cobra Kai on YouTube Red

Cobra Kai, a continuation of the movie The Karate Kid, brings back the original actors for a show that focuses on washed-up Johnny. After helping a “loser” teen beat off school bullies (Miyagi style), he opens a dojo and passes on the Cobra Kai values and techniques. Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy. When Daniel LaRusso sees that Johnny is seemingly back to his old tricks, he becomes determined to end Cobra Kai for good.

Cobra Kai is a YouTube Red series, and I personally think YouTube Red is a good home for it. Network television would not be so kind to something many of us hold dear to our hearts. The ten-episode season one is available now with a YouTube Red subscription. Not ready to commit financially? You can try the first two episodes, subscription free, on YouTube!

Stay tuned to The Game of Nerds for weekly Cobra Kai episode recaps!