2.5 billion people play video games worldwide. And this trend is continuing from year to year. How to make money on a hobby? How to start a video game blog, become a blogger, and earn money on video games? Read below.

If you’re interested in content making just for fame and money and treat it like something to do in your free time, you probably won’t become a blogger. However, no one can stop you from doing what you want.

Running a video game blog and game streaming isn’t an easy task. And it can take a lot of your time and effort to write, edit, select the right material, set up a game stream, or choose a blog promotion strategy. A good blogger differs from a poor blogger in the hard work and passion they put into their words. However, it should be noted that a video game blog isn’t necessarily about game streaming only. You can choose many different directions to become a successful blogger in this niche.

We hope our article will help you understand how to start a video game blog and will encourage you to take the first steps towards your cherished goal — to become a video game blogger. Let’s go!

Step 1. Select a platform

The first step towards creating a video game blog is choosing a platform. A blogging platform is a service or social network that allows you to post content on the Internet. The platform enables you to create posts and manage all publications.

There are a fair number of blogging platforms out there. Some are completely free, and some you have to pay for. The more typical blogging platforms are Instagram, Telegram, Youtube, Tik-Tok, Medium. Twitch is among the most popular platforms for video game bloggers. But this is if you are going to become a blogger in the game streaming niche.

Step 2. Decide on a niche

Choosing a niche is the next step you must take into account in order to start a video game blog. It would seem that your niche is video games, and that’s all. However, things are not so simple. If you understand this industry, you are well aware of several options and directions — video games themselves, books, news, and so on. Now let’s talk a little more about the main trends.

Game Streaming

Of course, it’s the most trivial and obvious way to start your video game blog. It’s worth noting that the competition in this area is quite high, so you are unlikely to succeed in becoming popular quickly.

You will have to try hard, design your blog well, promote your blog excellently, and constantly add original and high-quality content. Uniqueness will help you become famous in the game streaming niche. 

Don’t choose and stream well-known games. You need to find something of your audience’s interest, for instance, comic-based games.

Game Reviews

This video game blogging niche requires a good understanding of the field. You will have to write a lot, correctly present information, as well as analyze the latest news in the gaming industry and express your opinion.

Don’t think that this is an unpromising occupation and you can’t compete with the big names. Your style, your approach, and your opinion may resonate with many fans and video games amateurs.

Gaming News

Gaming news is an especially popular trend among video game bloggers now. If you have a good voice, developed public speaking skills, mastered video editing software, and know why you need an HD recorder, then you are likely to be successful.

Gaming news includes absolutely everything — from gossip in the developer’s company to bugs in an already released game. This direction can be implemented as articles. However, we recommend you focus on video content (video format) — it’s quite relevant today.

The Internet has seen too many video game blogs trying to embrace the gaming world and give up right away because they couldn’t deal with information overload.

Don’t try to take everything at once. If you decide to review the best gaming equipment, stream gameplay, talk about the latest news, then stick to one chosen direction. Later, you can expand your video game blog and try yourself in video game modding. To get started, you need to establish yourself, attract an audience and build your brand in the world of video games.

Step 3. Choose a nickname and design your blog

Finding the right name for your new blog is an extremely crucial step. An eye-catchy, unique and original blog name is easier to remember. Moreover, it will increase traffic from search engines.

The most popular blog names have been already selected, so you will have to get creative to find a special nickname for your video game blog. You will have to spend enough time getting something really attractive and unusual.

In addition, you need to design your blog in a cool way to make it bright, memorable, and stand out from many similar ones. Believe us, this isn’t so easy to do.

If you create your video game blog on Instagram, Facebook, or a website, the visual part is essential to you — use a photo editor, the same templates, and design your feed. For video content and a YouTube blog, in particular, you need proven video editing software. However, Camtasia or ShotCut is enough for a beginner.

Step 4. Create your blog promotion strategy

After you have created and designed a blog, shot a couple of videos, or posted several articles, you need to promote your blog — so that as many people as possible know about it. To do this, you need to develop your blog promotion strategy.

Fortunately, the network is full of information on this topic. However, if you seriously decide to engage in video games and become a blogger, you can hire a professional to help you achieve your goals and promote your blog.

Step 5. Monetize your video game blog

Congratulations! You have collected a certain amount of subscribers — your audience. You have particular results and traffic. People read, watch, like, and comment on your content. Your name carries some weight, and your opinion is being listened to. You have already invested enough effort and money in your video game blog. Now is the time to start making money on it. 

There are numerous ways to monetize a video game blog. We won’t talk about all of them in detail but list a few only. Mainly, video game bloggers make money on donations, advertising, affiliate programs, and paid subscriptions. Choose what suits you best or combine several methods at the same time. Above all, don’t turn your blog into “a panhandler”. Your content must correspond to the amount paid by the subscribers.

We have described all the critical tips on how to start a video game blog. Of course, this isn’t the whole list. You will learn even more from other articles and blogs. But most importantly, you must understand that a blogger is as much a creative profession as a writer or artist. Only you determine how and what to do, so the entire responsibility for success lays solely on you. 

We wish you all the best and lots of subscribers!