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 In the previous episode WandaVision – “Now In Color” Review, finally saw a change of pace in the show. Some fans argue that episodes 1 and 2 were too slow to be an MCU television series. I personally felt like the wait would eventually be worth it. If those episodes were too slow for you how about Wanda’s pregnancy being very short of 9 months? That’s right the beloved couple have continued their journey of starting a family, but it wasn’t the experience Wanda was expecting. As her babies continued to grow, she tried to hide her pregnancy from the nosy neighbors in town. When Wanda and Vision got confirmation from the doctor, Vision asked “How did this happen?”. Some may have laughed this off because it’s an obvious answer to this question, but there is definitely a deeper meaning. In the comic book series, Wanda created her twins using her powers. This means that Vision didn’t have to physically contribute. If this is in fact the case, there will be some interesting plot twist that will occur later in this season or the next.

Another interesting change in this episode is the focus on Monica Rambeau. Monica accidentally discussed Ultron with Wanda, which made her believe that she was a threat to her happy home. Even though Monica helped her deliver her babies, It didn’t stop her from sending Monica flying outside of the force field of Westville. During this point of the episode, Monica was in the middle of the time-reversal that The Avengers performed in “Avengers Endgame”. Sadly Monica’s mother didn’t make it. The blipp was reverse, but her cancer was not. She returned to S.W.O.R.D (Sentient, Weapon, Observation, and Response Divison) to pick up where she left off. After being struck out of the force field, Monica returned to investigate the lost city of Westville. Although you could visually see the town, you couldn’t enter it. To test this theory, Monica sent a helicopter replica drone to the city that later disappeared before her. If you didn’t notice, this drone so happens to resemble the colors of Iron Man.

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  The best part of this episode in my opinion was when S.W.O.R.D recruited the smart and witty Dr.Darcy Lewis. We haven’t been graced with the former sidekick of Thor since the Thor movie sequel. This was surprising to see, but most importantly needed. Darcy Lewis along with Monica Rambeau is one of the few underrated characters in the MCU in my book. With the help of Darcy and Agent Woo, the agency was able to identify the residents of Westville. Darcy watched the Wandavision sitcom as a viewer like us to put the pieces together of this alternate reality. In their reality, Vision is dead, not a father, and certainly not apart of a sitcom. Some of the scenes that we watched in the first three episodes were erased in the program that Darcy watched. When Agent Woo tried to interact with the radio from the show to grab Wanda’s attention, he failed. Thanks to both Darcy, Agent Woo, and Monica, they were able to identify the components of Wanda’s dimension. In the end, Monica said “It’s Wanda, It’s all Wanda. 

I’ve given Wandavision “We Interrupt This Program” four out of five stars. I’ve enjoyed this show since the begging because it’s unique compared to the other Marvel series. I’m not saying that the other shows are too much alike or terrible, I just feel like Marvel put a lot more creativity into making this show. I love the transitions between the eras of television and style. I felt like experiencing Wanda and Vision in different era’s has given me alternative perspectives of my way of viewing comic characters. For instance, Wanda has always been viewed as this strong and powerful character, but she also has a lighter feminine side that isn’t recognized. She is a superwoman, but deep down inside she wants a life of simplicity. A happy home to call her own. 

Wanda Maimoff has been through a lot. From her life in comic books to her storyline in the Marvel Cinematic Films. She and Pietro (Quicksilver) were adopted by Maximoff, Pietro died in Avengers Age of Ultron and later she lost Vision in Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. With all of this being considered, it’s not surprising that Wanda would shelter herself in a dimension where she could live a semi-normal life with Vison. In the end when she pictured vision’s corpse as she had last seen him helped me formulate that Wandavision is Wanda Maximoff’s way of grieving. Instead of accepting reality for what it is, she used her powers to build the reality she imagined for herself. We saw how Wanda’s powers reacted when she was pregnant, she could rain hell if she’s angry. She is fragile, but this is her way of coping.

   I like that Marvel presented Wandavison with a healthy mixture of the original comics along with the history of previous MCU films. Although Wanda became an Avenger, she was once portrayed as a mutant in the X-Men series. She even fought alongside Magneto and possessed the power to kill Mutants with three words. In the comic series, Wanda and Vision also had twins named Tommy and Billy. It’s clear that Wanda doesn’t want anyone to interrupt her life in her new world. Another amazing part about this episode is when Darcy Lewis watched the sitcom. I like this part because it’s a fictional character experiencing what we experienced when we first watched the show. It also shows the value of patients. This slow pace helped viewers critically think and find hidden easter eggs. 

I also admired the light shed on Monica Rambeau. The casting for this character is perfect because Teyonah Parris resembles the comic-book version of Monica Rambeau. She has the power to become cosmic and gamma rays as well as the power to destroy the universe. This will bring more attention to Monica later on in the season. I’m glad that both Monica and Darcy received the attention they deserved. Even though I’m a fan of this show, I’m not all fluff. I can understand why fans didn’t feel a positive connection, to begin with. I felt like this episode could’ve brought more attention to the snap reversal being brought into this dimension outside of resurrecting hospital patients. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably decided to give it a chance. There is still more excitement to come. Keep your fingers crossed!

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