We’re k back on another adventure with Body, Kinsey, and Tyler in season 2. Season 1 ended with Dodge transforming into Ellie and Ellie accidentally gets sent through the omega door. During that struggle, Eden gets hit with a mystical bullet that came flying out of the door. Turns out Eden is also now in league with Dodge. It was all part of Dodge’s plan

Dodge has them all fooled and the Locke kids have fallen for it. So. life goes happily on. Kinsey is with Gabe (Dodge, who used to be Lucas), Tyler is with Rachel, and Body is still finding keys. There’s a mending key and a Hercules key now. But unknown things and forces are going on in the background. Eden and Gabe (they’re demons) are planning something. But we don’t quite know what exactly, outside of her wanting the keys. And what is up with the 1800’s flashback and the Omega door? One of the soldiers turned into something.

Kinsey and Gabe have finally finished Scot’s movie. They attend the premier and Kinsey is a little flustered when she sees Scot has a date with who he seems quite smitten. Eden goes to the premier too and she kills the concessionist and now Gabe has to help her conceal it. Mrs. Locke happens upon the scene but she is made to forget what she saw, But then the movie ends and all is forgotten as the crew heads out to the premiere party.

Gabe and Eden leave the party early after he asserts his dominance over her. Gabe gives Kinsey the excuse that he’s not feeling good. Kinsey is hurt but she can’t seem to stop thinking about Scot, because she chose to be with Gabe. But now that she found out that Scot may be leaving she is having a hard time accepting him leaving and her feelings for him.

Magic is something that all adults can’t remember, even when they have directly experienced it. Tyler is upset because Jack is starting to not be able to remember the keys and then reality starts to hit. She’ll be 18 soon and Tyler will be 18 in a few months. Meanwhile, Dodge and Eden have made a key with some of the bullets that shot out of the omega door. These fragments didn’t hit a person.