If you’ve been following along, you know that I’m nearing the end of my 12×12 reviews. Perhaps for some fans of other shows, that would just be it. What more is there to say? Let’s up the episode and move on to the next thing. That simply does not apply in my case. Of course it wouldn’t. THIS IS BONES. Like it or not, I have a lifetime of things left to discuss. This show is my everything. And I will not stop talking. Never. So, if you’re also not letting go of this glorious show, feel free to continue hanging out with me. 

I’m just stopping in to let you know my plan. Well, here it is: 


(A week = the period of time b/t my posts…generally more than a week, hence the “””)

For anyone who follows my personal Tumblr account, no, this isn’t like EOTW. This will work a bit differently.

  • I will randomly select four episodes of Bones using a random number generator (it’s just more fun that way)
  • Next, I will select one scene from each of those episodes
  • Using a Twitter poll on @thegameofnerds, I’ll let anyone who cares vote for which scene they want me to write about for the next post – I don’t expect many (or any) votes, but even just a couple will help me decide which scene to choose
  • Finally, my next post will be thoughts, feelings, nonsensical babbling about that scene

There’s really no set structure to this. I have no idea how the posts are going to read until I sit down to write them. I just needed something to look forward to. As I’ve mentioned several thousand times this year, my life is lacking in purpose and meaning without this beautiful show. Writing about it restores some of that purpose to my life.

I will probably post the first poll in the next couple weeks, so be on the lookout for that. My final installment of my 12×12 recap will also be up within the next month. SOTW (scene of the week) will start in early 2018. 

Hope everyone is having a lovely and peaceful holiday season!