It has been a while since I have covered an up-and-coming farming sim. As many people know, this is one of my favorite genres to explore, especially with the rise in popularity and accessibility. Everything from the Nintendo Switch to mobile devices has farming sims available. I love sharing these titles because they are my favorite to play, and anyone can get into the genre. From new gamers to us old-timers, there is something for everyone. So, without further ado, let’s talk about Teatopia.

The Plot of Teatopia

Teatopia is a farming sim steeped in Chinese culture. While not much of the storyline has been divulged to the public, players can expect to do many of their favorite farming sim activities with a unique twist. Sure, you can rejuvenate a dilapidated farmstead, grow crops, and raise animals. However, players will also take on the role of educated chefs and tea makers. When players are not working away at the farm or working up a sweat in the kitchen, there are plenty of other ways to spend your time. The village is full of mysterious townsfolk and attractions. Players will also find themselves in a mystical realm with a special market. With all this in mind, there will be lots to explore in this strange yet inviting universe.

Features Unique to Teatopia

  • Engage in the usual farming content we know and love.
    • This includes growing and harvesting crops, raising livestock, and enjoying the company of pets.
    • There will be plenty of cats and dogs to dote on.
    • Grow tea leaves.
  • Become an expert chef and crafter of teas.
    • Players will learn about traditional Chinese cooking.
    • Learn recipes from folks around town.
    • Create teas of the highest quality.
  • Make friends with fellow villagers.
    • Invite them on tea dates.
    • Learn more about their unique backstories.
  • Venture off into a mystical realm.
    • Explore the Ghost Market.
      • Purchase rare goods.
    • Learn about the secrets of the realm and how they impact your destiny.
  • Discover hidden secrets and artifacts.
    • There is much to be explored in this world; see what you can find!
  • And so much more!

Thoughts on Teatopia

As someone who has explored the farming sim genre for many years, I find Teatopia is a refreshing take on an old classic. I love having a specialized farm where my character excels at doing one thing. Coral Island is great because I can grow various crops I have never heard of. However, I enjoy the idea of learning the ins and outs of one particular crop and working towards the goal of making the best tea in the land. It is charming and not something I have ever seen before.

Additionally, cooking in these games is not usually a focal point. Recently, many developers have made cooking into a mini-game, similar to what I see for this title. However, one could go through most farming sim titles and never need to cook. As someone who does a lot of cooking in “the real world,” I would enjoy a game that focuses on using the crops we grow to create something delicious. There is something wholesome about it: there is a reason we grow these plants. We are making something tasty rather than focusing on profits. Overall, Teatopia is a game I will continue to keep my eye on.

Odds & Ends

There is no current release date for Teatopia; however, I recommend keeping up to date with this title on Twitter or Steam. There will also be a Kickstarter opening up in the future. If you are looking for a similar title emphasizing potions, I recommend this article on Potion Permit. In the end, I look forward to learning more about Teatopia and sharing that knowledge with you.