If you missed my last Would Andie Watch It article on Blood Ties, you can find it here.

Hi everyone, I’m back with another opinion on what to watch. Today we will be talking about The Hunters. I love me some cheesy sci-fi or fantasy movies. Some are heavy on the cheese but generally fun. My kids hated Saturdays for a while because the Syfy channel ran movies all day that were the bad sci-fi/fantasy movies I adore. My husband rolled his eyes and just left me to it. I cleaned and foldered laundry as I watched especially when they were reruns. Amazon Prime gave that back to me and that is where I found The Hunters. Let’s get into it.

The movie centers around the Flynn family. Paxton, aka Pax (Robbie Amell), is going to sail around the world by himself. Tripp (Keenan Tracey), the younger brother, left school before Pax plans to leave. Mom Jordyn, and dad Carter (played by Michelle Forbes and Dan Payne respectively) are off stealing an artifact. They are betrayed by Mai (Kira Clavell) who is working for Mason (Victor Garber). Before Pax can take Tripp back to school they are visited by Interpol, only for the “agents” to attack them. Luckily Dylan (Alexa PenaVega) shows up and helps the brothers out. It turns out Dylan and Pax briefly dated in school.

Dylan explains to the brothers that their parents are hunters and that they are too. What are hunters? They find and protect fairytale artifacts such as Cinderella’s slipper and Aladdin’s lamp. Of course, they guys are incredulous but they think it explains some things about their parents. Pax and Tripp set off to try and find their parents with Dylan to help out. She’s a hunter as well.

Source Amazon

The movie is full of action and the boys can fight better than they thought as well as find they are more suited to being hunters than they thought. Pax is a better fighter than Tripp but Tripp is a whiz at electronic and is quite smart. I’m not saying Pax is dumb, he is not, but Tripp is more open and thinks outside the box. The brothers love each other but Tripp feels left behind by Pax and Pax is searching for his place. Dylan is standoffish bordering on bitchy. I don’t like her much. Other than a love interest and a backup, she adds nothing to the story. Mom and Dad aren’t a huge part of the movie. Mom comes in at the end but Dad is largely missing. Mom is a superior hunter but I think a little too good. They all excel a little too much, except Dad who is presumed dead.

I love Victor Garber. He is a versatile actor that I was surprised to see in this movie. I have seen him in roles in big movies and he can play a good guy or a bad guy equally well. I have seen Michelle Forbes in other films but nothing that stands out. If you are wondering if Robbie Amell is related to Stephen Amell of Arrow, yes, they are cousins.

The actual story was OK at best. The acting was about the same and the fighting wasn’t all that impressive. I was impressed with some of Tripp’s moves when they were first attacked but after that I was a little bored. Actually, I was quite bored with the whole movie. I love my movies but this one was a disappointment. So in answer to Would I watch this, no, skip it.

Have you watched The Hunters? What are your thoughts on it? If you want to try it anyway, you can find it on Amazon Prime. Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, have fun storming the castle!