You can find it here if you missed my last book review on Slay by Laurell K. Hamilton.

Hi guys, I am back with my old friend Harry Dresden in a new format. I will explain in a minute. I actually had to look up the word omnibus, so I will tell you how it is defined: a collection of previously published work in one volume. This omnibus volume includes parts of the books Welcome To The Jungle, Storm Front, Fool Moon, and Restoration of Faith. Thinking about it more, I am pretty sure Welcome To The Jungle is the whole story because it is one of Butcher’s short ones. I can’t check right now, though, because we are starting the process of moving, and my books are packed. I really need to get them in my digital library, but I digress.

Ok, so to address the “new format” comment. I have covered the books Storm Front and Fool Moon but in regular book format. This one is a comic. So why is it under TGON Reads and not comics? I put it in both, but I put it under TGON Reads because I have covered the regular books to these stories. I will provide links for those two. I can honestly say I like reading books better. The reading flow is better. I felt like the reading was so broken up in the comic. My son says I just need more practice doing it. He reads both formats, so he’s probably right.

Welcome To The Jungle

Welcome To The Jungle is about Harry on the clock for Chicago PD because Murphy knows the gorilla that was found with the zoo worker is in danger of being put down. Violence is out of character for the big guy, so Harry is set on proving his innocence and rooting out the magic user. The idea that a wizard can magically control animals is worrisome.

Source Amazon

Storm Front

Storm Front is the first book in the Dresden Files series. This book is not the entire story, but the parts that were there were cool to see depicted. The early scene of Tommy Tomm and Jennifer having their chests blown out was fantastic. I mean, when I read it in the book, I saw the picture that was written, but it was different to see the artistic rendering of it. There are eight chapters in this section, and it spans the whole story, but there is so much left out of the tale.

Fool Moon

Fool Moon is the second book in the Dresden Files series, so again, it was easy to follow the story and easy to find the missing parts. There are eight chapters in this as well. In Fool Moon, Harry is working with Chicago PD again because someone died. In this, we are introduced to werewolves and loup-garous.

Restoration of Faith

Restoration of Faith is about half a chapter long, with the bottom right panel saying things are just getting started, so there isn’t a whole lot to say there. Restoration of Faith isn’t a main novel in the series, its a short story in his Brief Cases book.

As I said earlier, it is incredible to see the story through someone’s eyes besides mine. I don’t know that that is enough to keep trying to read it. Plus I miss the rest of the story. I think they are great if you have never read the books though. Maybe I am just a book snob. The scene with Tommy Tomm and Jennifer was awesome to see in a picture outside my head.

Have you read the omnibus? There is a second one as well. Would you like me to review it? Let me know in the comments below. It is on Kindle Unlimited too. Until next time, have fun storming the castle!