The next episode of The Flash doesn’t air until April 26. So if you’re playing catchup, check out my post from last week, which covered episode 8.

Episode 9 is titled “It’s My Party, and I’ll Die If I Want To.” It’s a cheesy title, but the episode description is enticing. Team Flash throws a surprise birthday party for Barry, but Ramsey Rosso, a/k/a Bloodwork from Season 6, crashes the party. Bloodwork is a cool villain, so it should be a good one.

There are five episodes left of The Flash and the Arrowverse altogether. We should expect more Arrowverse crossovers and an action-packed final stretch because the show has a lot to wrap up. The time off had me thinking – how will The Flash end? How do I want it to end? I think I’ve settled on my ideal ending.

What Does An Ideal Ending Look Like?

An ideal ending is subjective; it lies in the eyes of the beholder. My ideal conclusion for The Flash balances closure and openness. We’ve followed many of these characters for years. I want the closure of the main conflicts and plotlines but also the comfort of knowing there’s more to their story – more people to save, more villains to cuff, and more growth to be had.

The Flash deserves a finale to remember. I fell in love with the show for its lightheartedness, humor, and action. Though it has steadily declined over the years, there’s no reason it can’t finish strong. But, of course, part of nailing the ending is the final scene.

My Ideal Ending

We know from the sneak peeks that the next episode starts a final crossover event with Arrow. However, in my ideal ending, Khione is the key to saving the world.

I still can’t decide how I feel about Khione. All I know is I need something big to make her story make sense. Her powers remain a mystery. She can create snow and ice, and her powers are somehow linked to her emotions. In my ending, Khione looks within and learns to control her emotions with Caitlin and Frost’s help. As she learns to control her emotions, she also learns to control her powers. Mark tries to win her back, and she kicks him to the curb immediately. Whomever the final big bad is – whether it’s Bloodwork or someone else – Khione should deal the final blow and solidify her place in the Flash museum forever.

Barry and Iris’s future should deviate from Barry’s Mapbook. According to the Mapbook, Iris was supposed to get pregnant in June 2023. But Khione revealed Iris’s pregnancy as early as March 2023 at Joe’s farewell party. Some things, like the title of Iris’s first Pulitzer-winning article, have gone according to plan, but their carelessness with the timeline has changed the course of history. Nora is no longer their firstborn. In fact, they have different children entirely. Though their future is scary and unsettled, Iris feels free because their future is no longer predetermined.

The writers suggested in the last episode that Allegra’s superhero identity is becoming public knowledge. This is perfect. Allegra and Chester become the new cornerstones of Team Flash and recruit new team members. The show must go on even if the show is ending.

Meanwhile, Cecile finally joins Joe and Jenna outside of Central City so Jenna can have a normal childhood. The final shot is Barry and Joe embracing one last time and looking back on the past decade of chaos with an epic montage. They cry, then I cry, and then we all clap.

What Does Your Ideal Ending Look Like?

The end is approaching. Have you given any thought to how The Flash should end? What does your ideal ending look like?