In one of the biggest show debuts of the year, The Sandman delivered on Everything. The sets were beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. The actors were superb and played their parts to perfection. If there was going to be a season two was up in the air for a bit. Thankfully, it was confirmed that season two would happen. However, did you know that we have had the world of Sandman and the Endless since 1988? To be honest, I am glad Neil Gaiman waited until now to let Dream come to the screen. If you want to know more about Dream and his siblings, I have several articles for your enjoyment, like character breakdowns.

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I had this in my Death cosplay article for Halloween, but it still holds up. Death, Dream’s sister, wears an ankh, which also happens to be her sigil. You can find it here for $13.

Source Amazon

As much as I like Dream, Death is my favorite person in the stories. So I was stoked to find a Death Funko Pop!

Source Amazon

Though this isn’t specifically Dream related, he is bound to show up in this coloring book. Give Mr. Gaiman’s world a new wash of color and let it relax you or the Neil Gaiman fan you love.

Source Amazon

It seems only fair that if I show you an ankh from Death, I should show you Dream’s ruby, one of his items of power. I already have the ankh, and now I need the ruby.

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Here is a wearable version of Morpheus’s mask and sigil to go with the ruby. You see it in the first episode.

Source Amazon

Last but not least, I found a sign showing Morpheus. It is his classic silhouette straight from the comics.

Source Amazon

I hope you found something. I know I want everything on this list. Does anyone want to send me Yule gifts? I’m just kidding. Until next time, have fun storming the castle!