Dungeons and Dragons has always been a social game that brings friends together. On average, a D&D party consists of three to five players and a Dungeon Master. However, sometimes it can be hard to get the party together, or a pair of players would rather play alone. We have previously talked about Date Night Dungeon on this side of TGON, but there are multiple ways to play D&D with only two players.

wood luck business game
Photo by Stephen Hardy on Pexels.com

D&D Essentials Kit Rules

Before diving into other forms of Dungeons and Dragons, I would like to point out that Wizards of the Coast already has rules in place for one-on-one games. These rules are found in the D&D Essentials kit. However, it boils down to one player as the DM and the other acting as a single party member. The single-party member also has a buddy NPC that can be played by either the DM or the player. When my husband and I first started playing Dungeons and Dragons, this is what we did, and we had a blast!

Purchasable Adventures

If you are looking for something strictly two-player, Duet Adventures seems like the thing for you. D&D Duet is a website full of one-shots, campaigns, and supplemental materials that is sure to get the ball rolling. These materials range in difficulty and location, and I look forward to trying out their adventures for myself. Another adventure guide I am looking to try out is the One on One Adventures Compendium, created by Expeditious Retreat Press. It follows the Pathfinder system; however, with some work, one could convert it to Dungeons and Dragons.

Board Games with a D&D-like Theme

If a party member is not privy to acting alone, many board games have a Dungeons and Dragons feel. Recently, I picked up Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, and to say we are hooked is an understatement. It has combat, minis, and roleplaying that can be sprinkled in if one desires. Lost Woods is another board game that I can highly recommend. This is more of a map exploration game that uses dice. Players engage in combat, receive loot, and can use magic to defeat their enemies.