

One of the oldest and most effective ways to learn anything is through reading books and how to properly gamble is no different. There are many books available that are advertised as being able to make you a better gambler and increase your chances of winning, but not all of them fulfill their purpose. Many of the books we’re about to present below are available as both hard copies and as eBooks that you can get if you have PayPal or another online payments system and if you’re into gambling, and looking to get better, we recommend that you start with these top 10:

Mensa Guide to Casino Gambling

This book is one of the first available literature on best online casino gambling and it’s written by Andrew Birsman. It’s one of the best on the subject to this day and has been ever since it was published in 2004. It has a lot of information on casino games, even ones that aren’t among the most famous. Although the reading material is older and it doesn’t cover some games that came after 2004, it’s still filled with information on the games that were available then.

American Casino Guide

This one was written by Steve Bourie and it’s a literature that is regularly updated with the latest casino trends and games. The writer of the book is a very experienced gambler and has nearly 40 years of experience. His book is definitely one of the top on the market and has a lot of information including some tips on the best payout casino online games and how to bet smart on them.

The World’s Greatest Blackjack Book

The author of this one is Lance Humble and this is an excellent reading material if you’re looking to become a great blackjack player. It’s one of the best there is on blackjack and counting card strategies. He has a deep understanding of gambling and his writing style is impeccable and easy to read.

The Theory of Poker

David Sklansky is the writer of this particular book and he’s a professional poker played that teaches readers how to think like a poker player. This literature has so much to offer and reading it will surely give you some great strategies that will improve your online poker game and knowledge. The book is written clearly and it’s simple to understand for anyone.

The Man With the $100000 Breasts and Other Gambling Stories

Michael Konik, in his book, reveals a bunch of stories and anecdotes about gamblers that can be found useful in your own gambling experience and elevate it using some of the strategies that gamblers in the stories used. The book is very interesting and it will keep you entertained.

The Professor, the Banker and the Suicide King

Michael Craig wrote this one and it takes us inside one of the richest poker games ever. It’s a literary book more than it’s a guide on gambling but it’s very entertaining and there are some things you can learn from it. It’s a great read for those who are into gambling, poker and eSports.

How to Make $100000 a Year Gambling for a Living

One of the best guide books on the list is this one and it was written by Mason Malmuth and David Sklansky. It covers all the basics of gambling and how to use advantages in gambling when you spot one. It’s a book that will let you in on how gamblers actually do it for a living. Although it’s a bit older and needs updates but almost all information in the book is usable today.

Positively Fifth Street

The author of this book is James McManus and he’s an excellent writer and a great gambler at the same time. The book is about the World Series of Poker in 2000 and it also covers a murder trial. It’s not a book that is focused on gambling, in fact, it’s much more literary book than it is a guide on gambling but it’s a worthy read.

The Frugal Gambler

This book was written by Jean Scott and it’s a book that covers video poker machines and the best pay tables in casinos and she explains how she used a computer to gain a small edge over the house using mathematics. It’s also filled with information about other games how you can implement the same tactics to gain an edge over the house. 

Gambling 102

The author of this book is Michael Shackleford and it’s perfect for those who have some knowledge of gambling but want to advance and learn even more. If you know how to play casino games, this book will be great for you because it goes straight to the point without explaining the rules.