*Warning: this article does contain spoilers.*

The Reign Of Blackwood

Photo Source Netflix.com

Harvey’s attitude was horrible. I was annoyed by his reaction when Ros told him that she was a witch because he attached bad traits to being a witch. Had he not known that Sabrina was a witch, their relationship would’ve been the same as it was in the beginning. I didn’t like how he used new lenses to look at Ros after he was told this news. She is still the sweet and kind caring girl she was before, she just has different abilities. Her cunning has helped saved them numerous times. Plus Theo’s boyfriend is a Pagan and was apart of a coven that wanted to kill Sabrina’s coven. Now he knows what real love it. Why does being a witch have to change the way you love someone?  It’s also annoying because if it wasn’t for Sabrina, Harvey’s dad would’ve still been an abusive alcoholic. If anything he should be happy for the witches in his life because his baseball bat can’t get the job done all of the time. 

  It got very dark really quick once, Blackwood retrieved a trinket that allows you to make a wish. I hate to say it, but Blackwood is basically Jafar in this episode. He decided to use his power to make himself emperor. Sabrina and Ros were the only witches who weren’t affected by the curse he placed on Greendale. No one had knowledge of Blackwood’s controversial actions. Surprisingly Prudence was back to being a daddy’s girl. I like her better when she hates her father. She alongside her brother and sister served as Blackwood’s soldiers.

   Ruling the outer world wasn’t good enough for Blackwood, he had to slap his name and face on everything that he could. Baxter High was called Blackwood high. He even went as far as to make a national anthem to praise him. This entire episode was extremely cringed because of this. The biggest question that I had while watching this episode was If he could just rub the belly of an artifact to make his dreams come true, then what was the point of releasing eldrich terrors? Blackwood is by far the most unorganized antagonist I’ve ever watched. None of his plans make sense to me. He is a mess of a warlock. 

   Ros was already dealing with a lot of emotions from the energy she received after telling Harvey she was a witch. After Blackwood made himself emperor she had to relive this conversation again, but this time her boyfriend serves Blackwood and has been brainwashed to believe that all witches are bad. After Harvey was forced to turn in the resistance, his love for Ros was proven. Even in the wrong mental state, Harvey really loves Ros. I believe that Harvey will come around just like he had to when he discovered Sabrina was a witch. You can’t help who you fall in love with

  Sabrina couldn’t get through to anyone. I’m not sure how this show would be without Ambrose, he is always there to save the day. With a stone, the two were able to serve soup so that the coven could regain their memory. The race for control began, without the real imp of the preserve, Sabrina was able to reverse all of Blackwood’s reign as emperor and Prudence were finally able to stick it to her father. Literally with her sword. 

   I rated this episode of The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina “The Imp Of Perverse 3 out of 5 stars because I didn’t enjoy the post-apocalyptic version of Greendale from the rise of Blackwood as emperor. I felt like this episode shouldn’t have been placed so close to the beginning of this season. I also didn’t think it made sense for this to occur if this eldritch terror could’ve given him what he wanted to begin with. I also didn’t like how Blackwood’s reign as emperor was similar to the dark times in history. I was hoping to see more of Ros’s character development as an individual like Sabrina. I did like that Prudence finally got her revenge. Although I didn’t enjoy this episode as much as the others, this doesn’t mean there isn’t better in store for us.