Kicking It Old School

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  If you’re like me, you skipped the intro recap, but if you didn’t, no need to worry. My previous episode reviews will help you get caught up. Unfortunately for the Hargreeve’s family, Five took them back to the 60s. I was hoping to see a future involving the Hargreeve’s family without the doomsday rush, but to my surprise, I liked this version of them better. In this time period, we also got to see Hazel live a long life with Agnus, who is deceased. He later joined her in heaven after taking bullets for five. Five was responsible for getting the family together again. He also had to stop the end of the world from happening again while being hunted down by assassins still. This time, he couldn’t count on Vanya; instead, he was able to capture the interest of young Elliot. Elliot is what back then would be considered loony because of his interest in Aliens. More than anything, Five could depend on him for the time being to help track down his family.

Psycho Diego

 Diego was brought back to 1963. At this time, President Kennedy was alive, making history. The thought of a second chance made Diego obsessed with the idea of killing Kennedy’s murder. The problem was evident; of course, any disturbance in the past can alter the time paradox in ways that can create a worse future. Because of this, Diego was placed in a psych ward where he was forced to conceal his feelings if he wanted to get out. Five killed any chances of that happening but intended to free him on his terms.

Vanya Found Love


It was hard adjusting back to the Vanya that was so subtle and shy after seeing her turn into a complete savage. I thought that she would’ve been the first to find on five’s list since she caused the last apocalypse. At least she found a loving family who will keep her head cool. I fear for the husband though if he doesn’t treat the wife right, I’m pretty sure Vanya wouldn’t have a problem ripping his head off.

The Era Of Klaus

I love the 60’s, Klaus! He embodied everything about the ’60s from head to toe. I was shocked that he didn’t relapse because around this time, sex, drugs, and Rockin n roll was hot. I was also excited to see Ben still apart of the story line. The two fight like cats and dogs, but there is no better duo in the family. Klaus is always somewhere never to be found, but this time he got ahead of the game by stealing some wheels. Even though it wasn’t long before he got caught, I believe that this season Klaus will prove himself because five’s stress levels are at an all-time high, and he can’t do it alone. Let’s just hope that Klaus won’t get into too many bar fights

Alison The Activist

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I love this version of Allison because she seemed so content. In the future, she doesn’t know what she wants and is so regretful of everything. She is married to another man, the owner of a salon, and black activist against racism. I love that she has her powers, but this role shows her strength physically and mentally. Luther was going to shoot his shot in the first season, but this is different. Sure he could rough her new husband up, but who’s to say if these two aren’t meant to be together. Even though they aren’t biologically siblings, it just seems gross to date someone you were raised to treat as family. Luther will make it clear that he won’t let anything stop him from loving her, not even the moon. 

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I wasn’t too fond of the repetitiveness in the new season, but when I began to think about all of the possible outcomes, I warmed up to it. Plus, we are currently living in a time where technology is a big deal; it was nice to see the first episode start with a nostalgic vibe. Another key point I liked about this episode was the alternative lives that each character had not relating to what their father trained them to do. It was like the universe granted them a do-over in which they chose to live simpler lives. Sir.Hargreeves always saw the bigger picture. For that reason, I will predict that they will see him again this season. I believe he prepared for a time like this to come just like a lot of the other things in season one. Their father was a very complicated man, but he was smart. His family is stuck in their ways because they wish they had a say so in their life, now they do.


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