The Simpsons return on Sunday night after a little over a month and they’re bringing with them some serious star power. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen guest star as themselves in an episode where the people of Springfield have to decide what to do with some new found money.

In a recent interview with TVLine Legend shared his unique connection with the show:

“I grew up in a town called Springfield, Ohio, and we didn’t think anything of it,” Legend recalls. “But as soon as I got to college and met a bunch of people who weren’t from Springfield, everyone was like, ‘Are you from the city where The Simpsons is?’ And I had to explain to them, ‘I don’t know! … I don’t know.’”

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The show has made a running joke of hiding the true Springfield’s location. In one episode, Lisa points to Springfield on a map, but the animated “camera view” is blocked by Bart’s head. It was only in 2012 that creator Matt Groening said Springfield was based on the show Father Knows Best and that he thought it to be in Oregon. He later found out that that show’s Springfield was fictional.

As for Legend and Teigen, I hope they get more than one scene. A lot of celebrity guest spots usually only last, at most, one minute.

New episodes of The Simpsons air every Sunday on Fox and make sure to keep it locked on TGON for all your news, reviews and analysis.