Hello! We are already at episode 6 of Pennyworth, titled Cilla Black!


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Thomas Wayne comes in the pub where Dave and Alfred are having a drink. Thomas has by now found out that Dave didn’t kill Frances Gaunt, the leader of the Raven Society. He also suspects that it was Alfred who killed the No Name League leader, dragged Dave out of the restaurant and works for John Ripper. When Thomas has left the pub, Alfred lets Dave know that he suspects that Thomas is secretly CIA.

John Ripper himself is calmly eating this breakfast among the dead bodies when Alfred shows up. He likes to get the name of the person who killed Esme, but John doesn’t want to give it to him or doesn’t know the name. But what he does know is that someone called Baroness Ortsey does know the identity of Esme’s killer. John sends him to a hospital where they first let him wait, but after the mention of John’s name, he gets helped right away. They bring him to a woman in lockup who introduces herself as a witch. She says she doesn’t know who killed Esme but does know that Alfred was with another woman around the time it happened. She also knows some other things about him, things she possibly couldn’t have known and agrees to help him. If only he brings her the left hand of a murderer and a rose collected at the full moon. Alfred thinks she is just a crazy woman and walks away.


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Alfred is back being a bodyguard at the Velvet Rope. A man causes trouble and won’t pay his bills. But on top of that, he thinks that Alfred can’t handle him. So they go out to the back of the club to sort it out. He grabs a machete and tries to attack Alfred. After a struggle, Alfred cuts off his left hand and the man disappears back into the club. Alfred is still behind the club when he sees the cut off hand of the man and a rose lying next to it as the moon shines into the pool of blood. He takes them back to the baroness. She knows about the nightmares he has been having and with something in his tea she brings him into sleep and his nightmare. She takes him back to the jungle, through a door and back into the Velvet rope where Spanish is the bartender and Sandra is singing. When he wakes up again he sees one of his old army mates standing in the corner. The baroness gives him the idea that an old army mate, Captain Curzon killed Esme because Alfred embarrassed him 5 years ago. Alfred takes Dave and Bazza to the place where the captain now lives, but the only thing they find is a note at the front door telling Alfred that he is too late, but it’s nice that he now knows the truth. When Alfred gets back home, he sees he got a lot of scratch marks and no memory of how he got them.


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Thomas Wayne has a meeting with his CIA handler. He thinks that the CIA worked together with the wife of the leader of the No Name League to kill him and make her the new leader. They will arrange a new meeting with Frances Gaunt to propose a fair offer. But if the refuses, she must be killed in person by Thomas himself. Meanwhile, Patricia Wayne is back in London and needs money from her brother. But he doesn’t want to give her money and can’t look after her as much as he wants to, so he leaves her with Martha. Because Patricia doesn’t know anything about Thomas’ job, he and Martha pretend to be ex-lovers. Patricia drags Martha along to a party of satanist/magician Aleister Crowley. But as soon as they arrive, Patricia dumps Martha to go be somewhere else. We also spy Jason Ripper among the guests. Somewhere else in the middle of nowhere, the leaders of the Raven Society and No Name League meet and agree to both take their people off the streets. Martha tries to leave the party with Patricia, but can’t seem to find the exit and gets lost before meeting a human with some kind of goats head and 6 eyes. The next morning she wakes up naked in the middle of a field with no memory of how she got there.

After watching the prime minister give a speech about the gang wars on the news. Suddenly Lord Harwood remembers his name and realizes that the prime minister is the one to hurt him and now he must die. He decided to go back to London and asks Peggy and Bet to come along because he needs loyal friends for the battle about to come.