Humbug’s gulch gave us something we knew was going to happen this half of the season on Fear the Walking Dead, but a bit sooner than I expected. We also got a swerve at the end of the episode. Sadly outside of those items we didn’t really get a whole lot to take with us.

Let’s start with the bigger story, Dwight made his crossover to the show! It all started because everyone was trying to get throw the walker road blocks, and with Luciana marking things off on a map they are realizing that it’s forming a perimeter. While John and June were at a roadblock they got shot at and plowed right through the roadblock. Happy accident, they were on the way to a western type tourist attraction that John was familiar with, from working at a sister location.


Pretty sure John Dorie is the best shot in the entire universe. Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

The layouts of the towns are all the same and John knows where the guns and ammo are kept. They are locked up, and June was able to pick the lock, which I admit was awesome. Heading back to the van the tires are shot out from an unknown, as John fights off the walkers someone gets him dead to right, asking where is she? June knocks Dwight out from behind and they later bring him inside. The trio exchange stories and learn about each other, and John is to pure for this world, says he will help Dwight find his wife. They sure take this helping people to the max.

It was nice to hear how chasing Sherry has got him this far, and how he was finding clues after clues after clues. Dwight ends up making a break for the van looking for a clue, with none to be found. It was also interesting to hear June’s view of the John and June dynamic early on, and how she wanted to make sure Dwight didn’t give up because it sounds like Sherry hasn’t.

John and June are able to save Dwight, with the help of a San Antonio split, which just has to be seen to be believed. After that rescue John Dorie is able to do some recon and match the VIN number on the registration clue that Dwight had, with the actual VIN number on the van, and they didn’t match, which gave Dwight a little more happiness.

Elsewhere, Alicia mostly, and Luciana are chasing after those annoying kids, Alicia ends up blowing out the tires on the car by running over a nail board strip across one of the roads. Morgan gets them and they end up catching up with June and John.


Hi, you got demoted, yet promoted too? Glad to see you. Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

That leads to this fun interaction between Morgan and Dwight. Everyone is surprised that they knew each other, Morgan says they came from the same place. Morgan asked if he took a certain road and Dwight did until he took another one, and kept following Sherry until Georgia had him all over. Dwight wanted to explain things to Morgan who said it’s not important, he knows how it ended for him and they are all starting over.

Alicia asked Dwight if he knows who has been putting up the walker roadblocks and he says he hasn’t, and he has only been able to go so far. Alicia wants him to show them, so they get to an area off the road with walkers strung up, and he says it goes as far as you can walk in either direction and he hasn’t been able to get through. As they all get ready to clear the walkers the kids hit Alicia back on the radio telling them to meet back up where they first met.

Everyone leaves thinking a shift has started when they see the kids van with the youngest inside with walker guts wrapped around the van. We see the kids putting in gear putting back up a walker roadblock on one of the roads saying they think Gavin knows what to say and won’t crack. The last walker on this roadblock however wasn’t fully intestine tied to the post and looks to be loose.