Games Workshop is releasing a whole set of new Contrast paints as well as relaunching a variety of there other paint ranges including their airbrush line. But there is one critical problem with their range paints that puts them substantially behind other brands of paints.
This problem is not one of actual product, as most of Games Workshop’s paints are equivalent to their competitors and their technical especially are some of the best in the market, but instead the packaging. Games Workshop has refused to move beyond their paint pots. While these paint pots do make Games Workshop’s paints instantly recognizable on shelves and it has been how the company has sold paints for decades, these paint pots substantially hurt usability.

Image via Vallejo Model Paint

All other companies use dropper bottles for their paints. The dropper bottles substantially extend the paints’ life. The Games Workshop pots have problems sealing fully. They also have a tendency to get paint between the lid in the back and the seal furthering the problem. The dropper bottles also allow for much easier transfer of paint onto a pallet, just squeezing the bottle to get a little out as opposed to scooping the paint out onto the pallet. Depending on the quality of brushes one paints with, this can also involve using a separate brush entirely to remove the paint is the actual paint brushes are of high enough quality. This transfer problem is even more prevalent when working with an airbrush. Dropper bottles allow direct application of the paint into the airbrushes bowl

Games Workshop has been good in recent years about getting with the times, and their stock value has reflected this, but this is one area where they still lag behind and where their product could substantially be improved.