Starting off from last weeks hell of a cliff-hanger, Eliot lives inside NotEliot*!! Eliot being my absolute favourite character from the very first season I was beyond thrilled to see this comeback. We emerge into a corner of his sequestered mind that has him with the love of his life, Margo at their Physical Kids Cottage. One of the purest things throughout the seasons to me has been Eliot and Margo’s connection, though it was at times tumultuous and strained, regardless they adore each other and complement each other’s personalities flawlessly.

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He comes face to face with the body of the previous inhabitant of NotEliot. Still in the same clothes that the monster was in when they met him in Castle Blackspire. He informs Eliot that he’s currently trapped inside his own mind while the monster us inhabiting his own. Whilst he is within his own remembrances. Finding out that in order to have a chance at a momentary control over his body, he has to find a door. ‘All I need is one moment to find my friends and tell them I’m alive.’ He’s told that there’s a door in one of his forgotten remembrance, the most painful ones that your mind has repressed. The one you seek is difficult to find, hidden well, especially from yourself. A journey into some of Eliot most painful memories, Roadtrip!

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A far too eager Shoshanna ends up removing the cloaking spell that’s hiding Julia from Irene McCallister, leading to a less-than-delightful encounter.. Immediately after this ‘Iris’ turns up and tells her that ‘that monster you let out of the castle is after me and my friends, your going to help us trap him.’ Through her, Julia finally gets some answers in regard to her powers and ‘godliness’:

Julia: ‘I’m not a god, not a human.’

Iris: ‘You’re the worst parts of both; helpless as a human, immortal as a god. So, everyone you ever love will die and you’ll be just stuck here on this stupid rock, alone. Forever. Because no one can kill you.’

She then instructs her to use the blood from the ‘Living Stone’, it keeps the monster from travelling. Bleed the stone and dump the blood on him and that Iris will take him back to the castle.

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Penny has an interesting encounter on the park bench..

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NotEliot, having gone to Mesopotamia per Quentin’s suggestion comes back with an interesting change in the stone organ he ripped from Bachhis, after spending time in Mesopotamia, growing increasingly frustrated that nothing had happened nor had he found any clues to help his predicament, he managed to focus all of his energy on the stone and this occurred. Julia, Quentin and Shoshanna tell him that they can look up the runes in books and try and see if they can decode or translate it. With them needing Quentin to spend a lot of time bleeding the stone, keeping NotEliot occupied with them elsewhere, makes the phrase ‘two birds one stone’ quite delectably applicable here.

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An unlikely guest arrives at the apartment, Alice eerily fills Quentin in on the facts of his book and how the monster sees the stone’s blood on him and with half a thought ‘slices him apart, thus ending the story of Quentin Coldwater.’ She helps bleed the stone in minutes rather than days, and convinces him to let her stay and help when the moment comes to take the monster down, not wanting to see him get killed. Alice seems to be on a slow path of redemption, though as Quentin says ‘It’ll take a lot more then saving my life’ [to clean up the mountain of shit you’ve made]. But he relents, recognizing the benefit of having her amount of power there if needed.

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After much discussion with Charleton, and the visages of his friends that finally inspires Eliot to figure out what memory he needs to relive in order to find his door. The gut and heart-wrenching moment that Quentin puts his heart on the line, after their bout of the 50 years they had spent together as companions, Quentin wants to try, Eliot shoots him down.

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The big moment finally arrives, Iris’s plan is coming to fruition. But just before they go to enact the plan, Eliot steps through the door in his mind and takes control of his own body, just for a moment, under a minute but long enough so that Quentin believes its him and he’s alive in there. Throwing the plan into complete jeopardy.

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Iris arrives, telling Julia she’s fucked it up, and goes to kill her, but Shoshanna throws herself in front of her deity and saves Julia’s life, whilst ending hers. The Monster gets to Iris before she can do anything else, and guts her as he did Bacchis. The main problem being, he now sees that Quentin and the others betrayed, him… until some incredibly quick thinking on Alice’s part, working with the outcome and rejoicing that this was their plan all along, they lured out Iris for him. Thankfully, he seems to be mentally frozen in a childlike cognitive processing state, and is easily fooled. Till next week.

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