Hello, and welcome back to our weekly dosage of the amazing Freddie Highmore plays Shaun Murphy and tugs at our heart strings in ways most shows cannot. Yes, this is a filler episode, to progress from one plot to set up the next couple plots, but I love how character growth really happened this episode.

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Source: American Broadcasting Company for The Good Doctor.

We catch a glimpse of each doctors’ morning routine, with Lea jazzing it up in the end. Shaun scares her as he gets ready to decompress after a stressful day at work. In case you forgot, Shaun, Morgan and Lim were in Quarantine Lockdown for quite a few hours. Shaun decides to go and visit Dr. Glassman but he is trying to check out early, against his doctor’s advice. Shaun is very concerned. He decides to tag along with Glassman, who asks if they are friends.Before Shaun can answer, Lea calls to invite him to lunch, and puts Shaun in a predicament. Glassman decides to tag along for lunch, suspicious of Lea’s intentions. Glassman snoops, trying to find out why Lea eats alone. Lea recommends go Karts. Think this is the first time Glassman has driven since his first brain surgery. Glassman and Lea are racing honestly, before Glassman seems to become lost. But he snaps back, and decides he wants to go to chemo, and have more days. He a

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Source: American Broadcasting Company for The Good Doctor.

Lim is still bed bound, and Melendez visits. Lim calls him out, saying until they slept together, it was always a competition, not a supporting type friendship. Melendez is a bit offended, of course, but Lim brings up she isn’t feeling well, and to please leave. Melendez returns a while later, and points out Lim wanted to sleep together, he went along with it. Lim explains better projection, using your diaphragm. He walks away, but think Lim is pushing him away. Lim approaches him later about how, since her divorce, how no matter how real it feels, it is not. She has feelings for Melendez, but is unsure how to approach them. Melendez wants it as well. Neil and Audrey… kinda goes well together. They don’t want anyone to know, and they look like to high schoolers sneaking around after work.

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Source: American Broadcasting Company for The Good Doctor.

Morgan invites Claire out to mimosa. Claire is hesitant of course, but concedes. Claire offers her ear to listen to Morgan if she wants to talk about Tyler, who passed away in a previous episode. Morgan cuts her off, saying she only wanted a brunch partner, not a shrink. Before Claire gets too far in, her mother calls, and she is getting evicted. Morgan wants to tag along, and when Claire confronts her, she admits Tyler’s death is affecting her and she needs a distraction. Claire confronts her mother, who admits the reason she is leaving is because she has an abusive boyfriend. Morgan wants to confront the boyfriend, but Claire just wants her to get out. Morgan reveals she has a gun. They confront him, but he admits he never hit her, instead he had proposed to her. Claire confronts her mother, who is confused, and I personally think Breezy, Claire’s mother, feels like she doesn’t deserve the love of a kind, honest man. Later, we see the two getting back together, or at least talking. Claire and Morgan have bonded over this, and I wonder how their partnership at work will adjust.

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Source: American Broadcasting Company for The Good Doctor.

Park and his son get to have the day together. Before Kellan’s mother Mia leaves, Park invites her back in for a bit, to spend time with everyone for a bit. They all go to the batting cage for a bit, where Park asks his ex-wife is she is seeing anyone. I cannot recall which episode, it has been quite a few, but he was on the phone and implied he caught Mia cheating years before, and asked what could have happened if he never found out about the infidelity. Think he still loves her. He even asks if she ever thought about getting back together. Mia makes jokes, saying she does, the way one thinks about torture. They play a round of mini-golf, and Mia asks about Park’s love life, and career. His answers are vague, and Mia wants to talk about anything. They begin to fight on the course, about how Park has a wall, and only a need to know basis. Kellan dips out so they can deal with whatever is going on. Park admits he wants to get back with Mia. He loves her, and will do what he needs to do to get her back. Mia thinks they need to move on with their lives. I give it 6 or 7 episodes and Mia will come back into Park’s life. They leave on decent terms, so there is hope. Wait. Mia reverses. She plans on visiting Park in a couple of weeks, maybe to test the waters. I am super excited for Park to begin trying to break down his walls. I bet you he will approach Claire to break down the walls.

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Source: American Broadcasting Company for The Good Doctor.

While this is going on, the hospital is investigating what actually happened during the Quarantine. Well, not the hospital, but the D.P.H. Her first finding was how Andrews was both Head of Surgery and the President. Andrews talks with Aoki, who admits she wasn’t a fan of his duel title. While Andrews dwells, the team come back with more findings- Audrey Lim’s dosing of a man who was not a patient, Melendez ignored a DNR, and Shaun’s mental breakdown, and she plans to go to the medical board and get license suspension for all 3. Andrews tells Lim and Melendez, who are clearly upset. He approaches the D.P.H. about his doctors made judgements, and because they broke the rules, 2 people are alive. She is clearly annoyed, but points out the Medical Board are all doctors. Not bureaucrats. But I think she caused enough stress on Andrews that he will question his positions more.

And that is all for this episode! I mean, when Lea came out with her male friend Jake, my heart was a bit ripped out. Still, every character had some serious character development this episode, and set up some amazing groundwork for the next few episodes. Also, there wasn’t really any medical in this medical drama for once. Kinda shocked. Anyways, until next week, stay shiny!