The consensus regarding DC Titans after episode 1 proved mostly positive from critics and audiences, leaving episode 2 “Hawk and Dove,” to present what the show is really worth. Typically, a television series will contain a few filler episodes, especially in animation. This concept is executed usually due to budgets and as an opportunity to provide further character development or growth.

Titans “Hawk and Dove” takes the typical filler concept and provides a spin most television series’ don’t go through the trouble of doing. And it just might be one of my favorites of the season.

Breaking Down Titans Hawk And Dove

Episode 2 begins with the introduction of, you guessed it, Hawk (Alan Ritchson) and Dove (Minka Kelly). Hank Hall and Dawn Granger (Hawk and Dove) are not your typical DC superheroes. Operating out of Washington DC, the two heroes are considered the “bad kids” per Batman. They’re not quite anti-heroes, although, the line is a bit blurred.

Hawk (Hank Hall) is a typical male superhero with an overly inflated ego. By himself, his character is bland and predictable. Dove (Dawn Granger), however, brings out the good in Hank while deepening his character’s roots. Hall is madly in love with Granger, keeping him grounded while the costume is on, and off.

Episode 2 “Hawk and Dove” begins with Granger saving Hall’s butt after he gets himself captured. The comedic points in the scene hit and the action provided satisfied this comic book lovers soul. We then get a closer look at Hall and realize his body’s taken one too many beatings over the years. But it’s not the action which keeps him going, rather it’s the love of his life, Dawn Granger.

This softer side of Hall is a nice touch, and it opens the door to Grangers deeper feelings toward Dick Grayson, creating a suspenseful love triangle as the plot of Titans moves forward.

Titans Flashback City

Very little of Grayson’s backstory was revealed in episode 1 of Titans. Using “Hawk and Dove” as a filler episode to provide some depth behind Grayson, the writers not only continue to move the plot forward but also introduce two additional characters while peeling back the layers of Grayson’s recent troubles with Batman.

Grayson and Granger used to have feelings for one another, and it’s Grayson who bailed on Dawn. In doing so, he left behind unresolved feelings which come into play throughout “Hawk and Dove.”

The episode also takes time to explore a bit more about Rachel (Raven) and our next group of generic villains. While neither of these explorations dives too far into character depth, they do provide just enough to keep the audience entertained and interested. The focus, however, is clearly on Grayson in conjunction with Hawk and Dove.

Rachel comes across as a stereotypical teenager whose discovered freedom for the first time, watching Game of Thrones and devouring junk food. She does, however, share a moment with Grayson towards the end of the episode, helping him to decide on what’s right and wrong.

Likewise, the villains receive their orders and begin to track Rachel down. In doing so, they end up taking out Grayson’s new detective partner. The death of Amy Rohrbach (Lindsey Gort) is a shocking twist, especially since we barely knew anything about her. The whack-a-doo evil family then moves onto DC, where the final moments of episode 2 “Hawk and Dove” end in thrilling suspense.

Overall Impressions of Hawk And Dove

I thoroughly enjoyed the addition of Hall and Granger to the Titans cast, but am equally disappointed to discover their addition isn’t currently permanent. The balance created between Hawk and Dove in humor and action is spectacular. Mixing Grayson and Rachel in just makes Titans even more suspenseful.

It’s likely the series will use episode 2 as a launching point towards Grayson figuring out how to be a leader, as Starfire and Beast Boy get weaved in further down the road. But I’ll miss Hawk and Dove. Perhaps, this could’ve been a possible spin-off set up, to which I’d sign off on immediately.

Once again, the series failed to instill any true villainous motives, following the “villains’ generic blueprint” towards superhero stories. It hasn’t hurt Titans, yet, but could prove detrimental as the series continues.

For a filler episode, though, “Hawk and Dove” provided the additional exploration into Grayson’s mindset while also delivering on a bunch of action, suspense, and intrigue. And, in my opinion, the best episode of Titans so far.

DC Titans Episode 2 “Hawk and Dove” Score: 4.75 out of 5 Stars.

Visual: 5

Dialog: 4.75

Story: 4.5

Action: 4.75

Did you enjoy Titans episode 2 “Hawk and Dove?” Let us know in the comments below!