I think an SDCC isn’t complete without a panel with the world best known nerds; The Big Bang Theory. As we are entering the 12th season, what might be the last, their presence at SDCC is hardly a surprise. One difference with last year is that it was a writers’ room panel, rather than one with all the actors. Not that it matters much, we still got some cool inside info! Here are some highlights:

– Steve Holland revealed that Hamill originally didn’t have a script for the wedding episode.
– Kunal Nayyar made a surprise appearance during the panel and revealed that he’s more than happy to be the only single character on the show, especially due to the possibilities for guest stars it leaves him. He says that it leaves room for a spin-off, but instead of something like Young Sheldon, it would then be old and fat Raj.
– Mayim Bialik, Amy Fowler, also made a surprise appearance to discuss her character’s relationship with Sheldon and, of course, her wedding dress. Here is what she said about the wedding: “When I said those vows, I said them in front of people I love and care for as me and also as that character, so all that richness gets added in.”
– Writer Maria Ferrari said that her own experiences of being a mom and wife help her to write about Amy and how Amy is going to maintain her sense of self and individuality after her wedding with Sheldon.
– The writers also have a very important message for us viewers as we enter the last season: “Bring your own tissues.”

Source: comicbook.com

And that is all I could gather from the TBBT Writers’ room panel! Have you got more details from this panel? We’d love to hear them!