Here we go again on another adventure with the Hammonds! This episode revealed a whole bunch of fun stuff, so we’re going to dive right in!

On the Home-front

For starters, let’s all be very excited that Joel gets to start on his bookshelves. So what if they’re Nazi bookshelves?! Okay, maybe just Nazi occupied. Either way, I am excited to see he’s begun work on those cherry wood beauties. Sheila and Joel take a break to head downstairs and kill Gary. Sounds normal, right?

Joel defends his bookshelf design idea.

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

After a very nice slideshow of photos of his niece and her daughter, Gary reveals he just doesn’t want to die. He feels like his life can still have meaning! I for one am totally okay with keeping Nathan Fillion around, even if he is only a severed head. Gary and Joel exchange some fun insults back and forth, including one about Joel having no balls. Honestly, I love the two of them together, and hope we get to see more of their interactions. At the end of it and all though, Gary is very visibly reluctant to die…again…and leaves his life in the Hammonds’ hands.

Gary wants to live

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Joel and Sheila begin a back and forth argument…although they’re both on the same side. Gary doesn’t want to die, and they don’t want to kill him. However, keeping a severed head in the basement isn’t the smartest of plans. As per usual, when they’re in the middle of adult conversations, Abby comes in excited to share her news and attitude.

Joel and Sheila Fighting in Agreement

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Ramona is undead and Abby knows about Gary’s head in the basement. We’ll get back to that later. Joel and Sheila get to theorizing about Ramona, and start up another same-side argument session. The result? Time to head to Ramona’s to see if there is anything that connects her being undead to Sheila. Abby has to go to school, but not without one final question about Gary’s head in the basement…

Abby Knows About Gary's Head

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England


Back to School and Jogger Blues

Abby heads to school, and sees poor Eric moping at the table. He’s obviously still torn up about Ramona, which is totally understandable. She definitely was cold and heartless as she ripped his heart out in front of him… all metaphorically speaking, which is way  better than her actually doing that. Abby is just ready to have some nice easy days at school. Life and death situations are becoming way too common. Her friend appears, with some nonsensical high school trouble that Abby can totally handle.

Abby is on School Vacation

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Joel and Sheila head to Ramona’s, and are surprised when she shows up holding bags filled with jogger limbs. They head inside her apartment to try and figure out what connection her and Sheila have. Unfortunately, they don’t come to any viable solutions. I’m surprised that Ramona used to be an auctioneer though, it’s so hard to imagine that with her character being so monotone. Joel gets pretty fed up with how little is getting accomplished, though I did enjoy the goofy banter.

Joel Wants to Find a Connection

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Ramona asks about the little red ball. Sheila of course has both of hers in the freezer. Ramona reveals that hers has legs! Also, she named it Mr. Ball Legs, which is adorable for something so terrifying. That’s probably the biggest WTF moment I have had so far this season. Definitely not something that I expected to see. Joel agrees with me, of course, and responds appropriately. It leaves you thinking about what exactly this tiny little spider meatball has to do with the zombie issue.

The Hammonds Meet Mr. Ball Legs

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England


Lunch Time and Rebounds
At lunch, Abby gets the scoop on some drama. Some terrible guy has been posting screenshots of the conversations he has with his ex girlfriend. She’s alone sitting at a table, and he is thoroughly enjoying the attention while posting more and more. Abby finally decides that something needs to be done. As per high school standards, her friends simply unfollow him. Abby has other plans, and decides to grab a tray to blast Christian, the jerk, across the face. Have I mentioned how much I love this character?

Abby Handles a Bully

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

We flash to Eric at home, tossing a ball while laying in bed. His mother appears in the doorway with Ramona, and gets super creepy. She’s WAY too excited to for Eric to have a girl over. She even mentions that she’s going downstairs to put on noise canceling headphones, implying that Eric should get going on the breakup sex. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Lisa likes cocaine with her morning coffee. Either way, i’m sure this wacky lady has something to hide… keep an eye on her.

Lisa is a Creep

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Ramona and Eric resume their awkward conversations. It comes out that Ramona wants Eric back, which he is thrilled about. This is obviously because Joel and Sheila urged cautions when murdering people, and Ramona needs someone as her right hand man. Eric is of course, totally in for the idea, until Ramona ends off with a scary thought. She is never going to let him go.

Mr. Ball Legs and the Forgotten Dinner

Sheila Has Ball Envy

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Sheila really wants her ball to grow some legs. Joel is adamant that she doesn’t let it thaw, for obvious reasons. I for one am incredibly curious as to whether or not the balls have survived in the freezer! Joel finds an image of Mr. Ball Legs on the shield of a knight in the Serbian book. Who knows whether or not they were meant to hunt the spider meatballs or if they represented them as some ancient house? I can’t wait until we learn a bit more about these mysterious little critters.

Mr. Ball Legs in the Serbian Book

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Abby returns home from school, and conveniently neglects to mention her little tray incident. She does however, remind her parents that they are to host a dinner tonight with Lisa and Anne, which they totally forgot about. They settle on frozen lasagna and powdered soup mix from the earthquake food kit in the basement… Delicious! Abby’s snarky attitude sends Joel over the edge, into his usual anxiety ridden panic, and he heads downstairs to search for soup.

Joel is Broken

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Joel and Gary get to talking while he searches. Gary is getting quite insightful in his new state, and even offers to lend an ear to Joel. Joel declines, but Gary offers some incredible advice anyway. Being with Sheila is like being married to the queen of England. You can either think about how upset you are that your needs will be second to hers always…

Gary is a Therpist

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Dinner Time Battles

The doorbell rings, even though dinner isn’t anywhere near ready yet, and Eric and Ramona are there. Eric reveals that Ramona and him are now together, forever, because she “needed a Joel”. The Hammonds realize quickly that they were the ones who convinced her that she needed someone like Joel, and feel terribly responsible. Abby objects, but Ramona doesn’t care. Joel disappears into the kitchen to check on the lasagna…

Joel Heeds Gary's Advice

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Once in there, he beings fumbling around grabbing the hammer and tape. Sheila and Abby follow him, and it is quickly decided that they need to do something.  Joel decides to take charge, and quotes good ole Gary, which confuses Sheila and Abby. They realize that the only way to solve this is to kill Ramona. Joel recreates his trusty hammer-knife, and the Hammonds prepare to do battle with Ramona, but not before Sheila pops the lasagna in the microwave.

Joel Recreates Hammer-Knife

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

As they return to the living room, Joel begins to schmooze Ramona until Eric is safely behind him. He tells Ramona that she isn’t leaving her with him. Ramona responds that she isn’t leaving without him, and Joel lets her know that she won’t be leaving. Eric looks completely shocked and in awe of Joel, and who can blame him?

As the two forces prepare for battle, Lisa enters with her famous 9-layer dip, and walks through the middle of the brewing battlefield, completely oblivious. Unfortunately, she forgot the chips, and heads back out again, but not before setting Eric right back next to Ramona. She’s not only oblivious, she just makes the WORST decisions.

Hammer-Knife Destroys a Pillow

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

The battles resumes, and Ramona advances. Sheila kicks her backward into a lamp, and she recovers. Joel strikes with hammer-knife, and tears into a throw pillow. Ramona pounces onto Eric, and gets ready to bite him so he’ll be hers forever. Abby kicks into high gear, removes her belt, and begins strangling Ramona. The whole family is shocked, and Abby continues to be the bad-ass we all know her to be. Ramona breaks down, and admits that she doesn’t want to be alone anymore.

Abby is the Queen of England

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Lisa comes back, and is completely shocked by the scene of busted lamps and torn pillows. Eric quickly comes up with Ramona breaking up with him, and he’s distraught. Which prompts him to destroy the lamp on the table next to him. Hooray needless destruction! Joel seizes the opportunity to reschedule dinner. Sheila makes sure to mention that this is TOTALLY different than canceling.

Joel Reschedules Dinner

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

Hungry for Answers

Ramona decides that she is better off moving away. In a text message, she details her leaving and asks Eric to have the Hammonds watch Mr. Ball Legs. Sheila and Joel are excited that they didn’t have to kill Ramona, and begin to talk about Gary like they’d keep him around. They go pick up Mr. Ball Legs, and Joel makes an excellent discovery. The missing link between Ramona and Sheila was Japopo’s clam special!  Both ladies ate it the Friday before they turned!

Japopo's May Be The Link

Image Captured via Netflix: Santa Clarita Diet Season 2 Episode 4 – The Queen of England

This episode was filled with excitement: Abby leveling that bully, Ramona claiming Eric, and the resulting battle for his freedom.  I’m also incredibly curious about Mr. Ball Legs and the Knights of the ball legs. Hopefully we get some information regarding why Japopo’s is linked to the zombie outbreak too. They’ve got more than a terrible Yelp review to answer for! Tune in next week, and we’ll surely get some answers!