Hey fellas, I’m here with the all new TBBT episode review and let’s get started quickly.

This was an episode where we get to another woman who was a potential Mrs. Koothrapalli, but because of Raj, that didn’t happen . . again! Plus, we saw how ‘the perfect roommate Sheldon’ looks like.

Raj is doing great with his new planetarium duty and there he meets Nell, a young and beautiful lady, who appreciates Raj’s work. Some time later, Raj and Nell are dating and suddenly Raj happens to their perfect dates. Yes, you read correct. Raj finds out that Nell is currently separated and that too just for the past two weeks, he doesn’t feel right to go out with her anymore. He finds it ethically wrong and talks to Howard and Bernadette about it.

Around that time, Nell’s husband Oliver comes to see Raj at the planetarium and breaks down about their situation. Raj feels even worse and talks to Nell to get back with her husband and apparently, his way of telling her was so weird that she actually goes and sees her husband! (who was, by the way, a lot less creepier than Raj.) Oh, did I forget to mention that Raj and  Oliver also hangs out together at the house of pies.

Hilarious, isn’t it?

Also, Sheldon finds it impossible to work in his apartment as he was disturbing Amy in day-to-day life and occupying all the space in the apartment. So, he decided to go back to the old apartment and work in his old room, which, by the way, was unacceptable for Leonard at first, but Penny agrees to that and Sheldon works there as a tenant there. Who would just come to work there only at any time! Sheldon has been very good a tenant that Leonard feels awkward and he finally makes him a little more Sheldon.

Watch this episode and I’m sure you all will love it! Cya later with more of #TBBT.