
Source: Better Call Saul AMC

We know from an interview with Bob Odenkirk that we’ll be seeing Saul Goodman (in some form) for the first time in Season 3, so I thought this would be an appropriate time to take a look back at some of Saul’s best fashion choices over the years. Saul’s sartorial majesty is the thing I miss most about him and, as we saw last season, Jimmy is definitely headed in Saul’s direction when it comes to fashion.

In no particular order, I present you with some of my favorite Saul Goodman Looks™.


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

This tracksuit/pink ring combo is iconic.


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

His shirt matches the sky how lovely.


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

Has there ever been a pinker shirt in the history of shirts? I don’t think so.


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

That tie gives the pink shirt a run for its money, though.


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

What even is that tie? This is maybe the BIGGEST mess.


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

Wait. I was wrong. It’s this.

And in the absolute worst ties collection:


Source: Better Call Saul AMC


Source: Better Call Saul AMC


Source: Better Call Saul AMC

That last tie literally haunts my dreams.

And, just for kicks, here’s a look I like to call “The Granite State” (from the episode title). It’s not so much the clothes as the hair that really make this look a classic.



The best combover in television history? I think so.

Hopefully we get at least a glimpse of Saul’s technicolor dream wardrobe in Season 3 but it will be hard to top some of these classics. As if I even need to say it at this point, Better Call Saul returns April 10th at 10pm EST on AMC.
