
Source: Taboo // FX

This show. This. Motherfluffing. Show.

Just when I think “Taboo” can’t get any weirder, any crazier, any more out there, it goes and blows the doors off. We knew James Keziah Delaney held massive grudges, had major secrets and practiced some *interesting* magic…we didn’t know how far those things went though.

Not willing to risk his stake in Nootka Sound-and faced with his stepmother Lorna’s crime against the Duke of Richmond-Delaney knew it was only a matter of time before the authorities came for her. Commanding Lorna to hold out and remain tough, she is dragged out of the Delaney home to a filthy prison. Threatened with rape and other degradations, she stands resolute. In the face of the Prince Regent’s private secretary, she turns down $1,000 pounds for her potential stake in Nootka Sound. Saving the day (and Lorna’s honor), Delaney’s crew. She walks out roughed up but basically unscathed.


Source: Taboo // FX

Undeterred, Delaney plows on with a plan to secure Nootka and get his monopoly on sea pelts. His plan involves gunpowder, better yet, the MANUFACTURING of gun powder. Can’t have a coup without an army d you can’t have an army without weapons. Striking a deal with a shady as hell chemist named Cholmondeley (played impeccably by Tom Hollander), the two make a deal with the whorehouse for urine (gross) and plot to get the chemical base from an EIC warehouse.

The plan isn’t foolproof and along the way, problems crop up. Namely the fact Delaney doesn’t have the American emissary’s name and also another assassin tries to take him out (and subsequently fails, having his guts splayed out by Delaney, yuck).


Source TheVariations

Obtaining the emissary’s identity, a ball is to be enjoyed. But first, the audience s subjected to more Zilpha and Delaney sibcest. Now, I confess to a certain squeamishness about lots of things but my sensibilities are totally OFFENDED by this. Performing a ritual, Delaney does what can only be described as sibcest telekinesis™ and we see Zilpha across town *react* to his (ahem) efforts.

Enough of that though.

At the Countess Musgrove’s party, we discover SHE is the American emissary of Jefferson. An agreement is made and Delaney looks to be in the clear…until Zilpha’s racist, misogynistic, repugnant, loathsome husband challenges him to a duel.


Source: Hardyness Tumblr

Ohhhhhh, the places we’ll go with “Taboo.”

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