Boy have I missed Jake Peralta.

This summer I watched 7 Days in Hell with Andy Samberg and Kit Harington because I am a heterosexual human woman and hello? Yes please. But it turned me off of Andy Samberg a lil’ bit because I definitely prefer my humor PG-13, not NC-17-WTF. I swear this is relevant, because watching the “The New Captain” helped restore most of my Samberg love.

Let’s break it down subplot by subplot:

Jake and Amy


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I am so sick of the on-again off-again relationship. On character driven dramas, I can see how getting the couple together may make the show less interesting, but comedies like Brooklyn Nine-Nine are lighter and rely less on relationship drama. I think it would be more fun to watch Jake and Amy—two completely different personalities—figure out how to be in a relationship successfully than to watch them date for 5-10 episodes only to break up, then get back together a season later. Their dynamic was very cute in this episode and I loved Amy’s little speech at the end—it proved that friendship/partnership is the foundation to their relationship…which is why it should work and be fun to watch! Also, Boyle=shippers everywhere. I can’t wait to hear that weeding speech.

Holt and Gina


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This week on Linetti, Set, Go!, we saw Raymond Holt dressed up as a Pigeon in an elementary school bathroom. I was getting Ray J. vibes from that pigeon too, Gina. Wuntch is a biotch determined to break Holt’s spirit, but he’ll give that 8 point presentation eventually and it will be inspiring as hell. I can’t imagine him being stuck in PR for too long…are we really supposed to believe that the Vulture will be a successful Captain to the 99? Which brings me to…



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Dozerman was just about the weirdest character I’ve ever seen. Are we really supposed to believe this man would die of a heart attack in his late 30s because he saw people kissing in an evidence locker? I mean, if he was 300 pounds maybe. Just bizarre. And not the best use of Hader’s talents, in my opinion. Regardless, the scene with Jake in his office was funny. Chos before Hoes! My new motto?

My parting question until next time: Who else thinks that Terry should be the new Captain? At least until Holt (inevitably) comes back?


