This review is going to be short and to the point, and honestly not very good, exactly how I felt about the fourth episode of this series. Rick and Michonne quickly make it to some sort of self sustaining compound after jumping out of the helicopter. Rick wanted to call the CRM back as he is afraid of what will happen, but Michonne thinks this is their chance to leave. It isn’t until a little later that they see the helicopter crashed into the building which could make the CRM think that everyone has died. A few scenes later another CRM helicopter comes to blow up the crashed helicopter as they try to cover their tracks.

Michonne finally tells Rick that he has another son, though for awhile Rick doesn’t bother to ask anything about him as he is still single focused to get back to the CRM, either for the safety of Alexandria or so he can keep up with his mission to destroy the CRM from the inside.

A lot of talking, and I mean A LOT of talking this episode, Michonne can’t convince Rick and doesn’t recognize him anymore and sets off back home, but the building starts to collapse and the two have to try to fight their way out from the walkers but Michonne gets pinned down from a chandelier. The two connected by working together, and go back to the “home base” room they found themselves in to patch Michonne up. What do you do to pass the time as the building is crumbling around you? Make sweet sweet love of course, Michonne insists that Rick stops lying and hiding whatever he is hiding before they make a decision on what to do next and will just sit in this crumbling building until it happens.

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Danai Gurira as Michonne – The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live _ Season 1, Episode 4 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Eventually Rick lets up and says he felt like he died so he can live. He forgot the faces and voices and essentially shut that part of him and his heart off. He can’t go through that again with Michonne, he doesn’t want to see her die as he can’t handle that and he would rather have her go so he can think she is alive so he doesn’t have to go through those emotions again.

With a break through they understand the mission and the risks to get back home and what would need to happen so they venture to leave the compound, and they find a vehicle with some natural gas and they quip that it is enough to get them home. If you like happy endings you could probably stop watching the series from here and would be happy. But with two episodes left you know that’s not happening.