Like many other survival game enthusiasts, I have been holding back on playing Valheim until the Ashlands update. However, that does not mean I am not hunting for another title to gush over. When looking for a survival game, I have two main criteria. It must be coop in some form and involve building. I enjoy crafting and farming, while my spouse enjoys building our homestead. Therefore, we need to try out any game involving these elements. So, without further ado, let’s start talking about Solarpunk.

Solarpunk‘s Story

While Solarpunk is currently in development, little has been shared about the story thus far. We know that the world players will find themselves in is technically advanced and filled with floating islands. Players can work together or alone to make this world their own. They must construct buildings, grow crops, and craft their way across the lands. This title also puts great emphasis on the importance of the weather. Players will be able to craft solar panels and windmills. Therefore, the weather can make or break your setup. Plus, you get a sick airship. This game has it all!

Features Unique to Solarpunk

  • Players can engage in a coop mode.
    • All players have a separate inventory so that you can build separately in the same world.
  • Gather resources to build your base.
  • Build an airship to visit other floating islands.
  • Farming elements.
    • Players can grow fruits and vegetables.
    • There is a farmbot to make the work easier.
    • Hanging out with animals!
      • Pigs, sheep, chickens, and bees are your pals.
  • Players can gather resources to craft gadgets to automate processes around the homestead.
  • Harness the energy of the land.
    • Use the sun, wind, and water to your advantage.
  • And much more!

Thoughts on Solarpunk

I first found Solarpunk, like I do many other titles, on Kickstarter. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. First, let’s talk about the graphics. They are cute without being overly cutesy. It’s breathtaking, especially looking at the screenshots of the airship. I’m not fond of heights, but want to be in that scene. Second, the crafting system seems straightforward. I love Graveyard Keeper, but sometimes I want to play a game that I do not need to keep a Wiki page open for. For this title, I think I get one crafting table that tells me what I need, and boom, I am crafting.

Finally, I can play with my pals. There are plenty of survival games that one can play alone. However, I enjoy this genre of video games with others. It feels like a mini community where we can thrive or die together. Overall, this game is something I am looking forward to, and I cannot wait for more updates.

Odds & Ends

If you want to learn more about Solarpunk, the developers have a Kickstarter and Steam page. There is no current release date yet; however, I will update everyone when I learn more. I highly recommend my Enshrouded article for another survival game to get excited about. Enshrouded has a planned release date for early 2024, and I think we should all be excited about it.