It is officially fall, which looks a little different where I live versus the rest of the United States. Here in Arizona, we are still a bit warm, and my town does not have the changing of the leaves. However, everyone I know finds little things to get them in the autumn spirit. In my home, I like lighting a few candles, brewing tea, and playing survival games. I am not entirely sure why survival games bring out those fall feelings. Perhaps I played Valheim one fall, and the association stuck? Either way, during Steam Next Fest, I saw the demo for Enshrouded and knew I had to try it. After some fear and a few deaths, I am here to give you the scoop.

Enshrouded‘s Story

The game begins with the player emerging from a pod. You are Flameborn, the world’s last hope. After lusting for magical power, your ancestors doomed the land, creating a corrupted fog. It is up to the Flameborn to reclaim their home through exploration, combat, crafting, and survival. You must ignite the Ancient power of the Flame and figure out what happened all those years ago.

Features Unique to Enshrouded

  • Set in a sizeable voxel-based world.
    • Voxel-based building allows for more customizable architecture.
  • Journey through different biomes.
    • Forests, caves, and dungeons.
  • In-depth skill tree system.
  • Craft gear, furniture, and advanced cooking recipes.
  • House NPCs.
  • Co-op with up to 15 other players.
  • Unlock secrets of Embervale.
    • Learn the lore, find treasure, and unfold the overall story.
  • And so much more!

Thoughts on Enshrouded

I typically play survival action RPGs in co-op mode because, let’s face it, surviving the elements is more fun with friends. However, I went into this title blind and alone, which made it much more terrifying. I was impressed with the depth of character creation and created Ivan. He reminds me of a ginger Legolas and will be a fantastic bow boy. After emerging from my pod, I checked to see if fall damage was a thing. Spoiler alert: it is. I immediately died after jumping off a cliff. After that scientific escapade, I scouted for a place to set up camp. This is where I ran into the fog for the first time, armed with a handful of torches and bandages. After bludgeoning baddies with my torch, I realized I was in for a great time.

I adore the way Keen Games handled going into the fog. My second interaction with it was noticeably scarier. There is a timer involved, which already gets my blood pumping. This sense of urgency made me feel like Ivan was in danger and he better fight hard and fast to get out. The graphics are beautiful, and I am excited to play more with the building elements. Building is my spouse’s favorite part of Valheim, and I can see him going to town in Enshrouded. Overall, Enshrouded is a great game, and I am excited to see where the story goes.

Odds & Ends

Enshrouded is an early access title, and a demo is on Steam as of writing. There is no hard and fast release date. However, the full version will be available on PC, PlayStation5, and Xbox X|S sometime in 2024. If you are looking for a similar title, I recommend Icarus and have a link to an article here.