“Okay buddy, if you can hear me, BE THE HYMEN!”  – Penny

Our favorite and delightfully complex couple Margo and Josh get back together, Penny finds out he’s about to be a father and then they along with Fen and Elliot get summoned to Fillory, by none other than an energetic emanation of Ember warning of the impending apocalypse. And after he recommends destroying the entire planet of Fillory, Umber pops up with his secret arc to bring the Fillorian inhabitants to a new pocket world of his creation. Entertainingly this is followed by a series of slaps between the two gods.

GIF made by Mia for The Game of Nerds

GIFS Created by Mia for The Game of Nerds

Josh ever the eloquently tells us “The pocket world is temporary, so where do we put all the Fillorians? Have you seen how we treat our own refugees?” We can always count on The Magicians to call us earthlings out on the sociological problems that have taken root in our planet. After this, they decide on attempting to find and use the World Seed that the mysterious and incredibly evil duo known as The Couple is rumored to possess.

 We also get a delightful reawakening of none other than Hymen.  Who has until now been trapped in stasis hidden away behind a wall in the Physical Kids Cottage. After spending nearly two centuries locked up, he understandably gets quite excited about sensations which takes us along for a pretty damn enjoyable montage.

GIF made by Mia for The Game of Nerds

GIFS Created by Mia for The Game of Nerds

Complications arise when they realize that they still can’t cast because the moon is still pissed at being moved and changes the circumstances constantly. Fen starts to realize how much she’s taken advantage of by the magicians and feels that she’s treated somewhat inferior to them. Glorious timing when they face a problem at Ghost Umber’s house that only she can solve. On top of that Penny’s realizing that all the mothers to psychic children he’s heard of have wound up in mental institutions or getting lobotomy’s, leading to some understandable panic about what could likely happen to Julia. They also find out that Marina is the only one who knows how to figure out her way into The Couple’s residence.

Hymen finds that as someone who has spent so long observing everyone else’s life, living life as a fully-fledged person results in bodily dependence, and the loneliness that set him on the creeper path in the first place. This results in Penny and him having a surprisingly real and honest conversation about life, and as a keen observer of humans and their habits after Penny’s advice Hymen has some wise observations about Penny’s words.

GIF made by Mia for The Game of Nerds

GIFS Created by Mia for The Game of Nerds