He’s back!!!!!

Did you see that coming, Fam? I know I didn’t and I pride myself, loudly I may add, to anyone who will listen, about my fandom knowledge. Perhaps it was New Year fatigue but I missed any signs that the Doctor’s oldest nemesis was hiding in plain sight.

More on that later. 

I guess I should probably introduce myself. 

Hi, I’m Kirsty and I’m delighted to be peeking into the Tardis each week for a rundown on the latest episodes with you guys. Before I start, full disclosure, I am a TOTAL nerd with a capital N!

I’m definitely more of a New Who than a classic girl but I do have soft spots for some of the Doctor’s past faces. Right now I’m all about Jodie Whittaker and how quickly she has settled into the role. You can definitely, absolutely without a doubt, expect some Jodie love here. Anyone else here for that?

We are introduced to our Galactic heroine and her three companions – sidebar, I’m loving their dynamic already this season and can’t wait to see how Yaz, Ryan and Bradley, ahem, Graham develop. I love Graham’s wit and can’t wait to see what one-liner he will come up with each week. I was watching the last season to prepare for this and he was complaining about snacks and how they never get to finish their food before a cosmos comes calling. That would be me. Yup, I’d be the companion getting into trouble after discovering a space cafe run by the villains of the week.

Did you see the look on his face when MI5 thought he was the new Doctor? Bradley Walsh can do comedy, proper, subtle British comedy at its best.

Back to what has got to be the best opening episode of DW. I’m not exaggerating either, but for the sake of peace in the World Wide Web I’ll throw in an IMO, (in my opinion). Phew, a diplomatic incident with the new readers averted. 

In this DW/James Bond episode we got Stephen Fry as Head Spy, yes I know it rhymes but hey who doesn’t love a rhyme? I actually loved his banter with the Doctor and I was not expecting his death so soon. This episode was packed with comedy greats who sadly shared little screen time. Although Fry’s sudden exit did pave the way for Lenny Henry as the villain of the week or at least that is what we are led to believe. I’m still reeling from the cliffhanger and I want to discuss the big reveal. I cannot wait any longer. 

The Master is back. I was giddy when the Doctor figured it out and was lagging just behind her when the Master theme began. I told you I’m a geek. The theme paired with that smirk – pure genius. 

Now when we last saw Missy she was helping the Doctor and now this new incarnation is back to business as usual. Well, I’m sure we will find out what has caused this latest U-turn.

Indeed in part two, we were given some insight and it does appear that the Master will be back. Gallifrey has been destroyed – After all the trouble of the previous Doctors too. Oh, well I’m sure it will be exciting to watch. As for our old Doctor, I’m guessing her new fam will be seeing the darker side of traveling with her. I am happy we are going to see Jodie play this. Having seen her in Broadchurch, she has the chops for this.

Next week I will delve into the companions and how they are adjusting to life in the Tardis. 

Until next time Whovians….

What was your fave bit? Do you love Doc’s newest fam? How about that Master and if Fry had been a better spy would he still be alive? 

Spill your thoughts.