There’s a saying which I think will hold the test of time and that is that, “the internet remains undefeated.” Meaning, the internet will always find a way to either troll, make light of or even be clever about any given topic. Last year, The Simpsons classic steamed hams bit went viral as plenty of people made their own unique versions. You can read more about it here.

Now, the bit has made the jump to video games with the newly released Super Mario Maker 2 which allows players to create their own levels for others to play. The level, titled ‘Steamed Hams but it’s 3D World,’ was created by Mario Maker 2 player JFreshSplat and can be found using its ID code: 2WN-XWF-W8G.

The level begins outside Skinner’s house, made using a combination of blocks and a warp door

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PHOTO SOURCE: JFreshSplat, Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo

It then moves onto the dining room, where Superintendent Chalmers would be sitting

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PHOTO SOURCE: JFreshSplat, Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo

Then onto the kitchen, where the roast gets ruined

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PHOTO SOURCE: JFreshSplat, Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo

And finally, players can scale both Chalmers and Skinner in a recreation of the scene from that episode

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PHOTO SOURCE: JFreshSplat, Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo

I suppose it was only a matter of time before this happened and now that the original has been made I wonder if any of the spin-offs will be turned into levels as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did and I’ll be there playing them all.