Starting off with a flashback to Clarice (Blink)’s former life, within the foster system. Witnessing the threats of violence and terror that the drunken patriarch of the household maintains.

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As we have seen Laurens growing closeness with the music box, a source of constant apprehension to her father Reed, we have already presumed as much as to say that the music box was some sort of vessel, holding within it the essence of the powers of their great great great grandparents, the original Strucker siblings. We have seen that Lauren’s powers are increasing, and we thought that this was solely due to the fact that Lauren and Andy are this generations Strucker Siblings, (who’s powers can be combined) but we see, when Reed opens it and lets him play that it in fact seems to be a calling, something in the melody or pitches of the song itself seems to awaken the X gene in those who listen to it. Case and point, Reeds powers resurfacing even though he’s on treatment to keep it at bay; that up until now had been completely successful. This control was eradicated by just a few seconds of the music box melody.

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An interesting turn in the episode, is that as we have seen Lauren is getting more powerful, but we now witness a progression of the interconnected dreams that her and Andy are able to experience. They’re now able to physically hurt one another, if it happens in the dream, it affects the person in real life. Case and point:

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Lauren gets some hands on experience when her mom’s brother, yet again, betrays them to Sentinel Services, although admittedly it was without meaning to. They had reached out to ask him if he could find out anything about Benedict Ryan, the TV man who is connected to the Purifiers, and has been coaching Jace Turner into doing his bidding. After tearing off his wire, he admits everything that happened, how he was arrested after mentioning Reeva’s name, and inquiring about the Inner Circle. He tells them that Benedict Ryan is actually secretly running the Purifiers, and that the corruption of the Inner Circle goes through politicians, Law Enforcement, corporations and even Congress. Lauren ends up defeating an entire convoy of Sentinel services, by herself.

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Due to Lauren’s increased power, Esme and her sisters, under orders by Reeva, make clear that Andy needs to bring Lauren in, convince her to join the cause, as if they can’t have her, they’ll attempt to eradicate her. Seemingly too powerful to leave out there in the world, with the potential to challenge them at a later point.

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After a failed attempt to save the lives of the heads of the Mutant Underground, including Evangeline, we finally get to see what Erg’s mutant power is; he can redirect force used against him and use it as an offensive attack. So when John punches him in the chest, he blasts him back with equal force.

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Clarice ends up making a decision, to leave the Underground and to join Erg and the Morlocks, leaving us to witness a tear-jerking moment when she tells John goodbye.

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