The third installation is out, and it’s taken an interesting turn. We begin following a flashback to when Marcos was working with the mob, he visits his father who’s hidden himself away to die in a convent in the hills, He offers help, money, specialist doctors in Bogotá, but his father refuses to take any of his ‘blood money’. We understand immediately that his father thinks what his son is doing with his powers is abhorrent and immoral.

The gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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This story line is paralleled with the present-day situation of his and Lorna’s baby falling ill, we find out that the child ‘Dawn’ (Aurora) is suffering from a severe case of jaundice that can’t be helped by any modern medicine. Cut to a shot of Lorna arguing with the trio of blondes, when the doctors are telling them that there’s nothing more traditional medicine can do, but given the nature of the father’s powers, bringing him to the baby might be the only thing that can save the child, convenient huh?

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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Clarice and John go in search of the ominously named ‘Erg’ who was recommended to them by Evangeline, as someone who could potentially help the ‘mutant underground’. Through some of Clarice’s stunning portals they eventually find their way through the tunnels to the group. After being turned roundabout going throughout the tunnels in redundant circles, Clarice saves the day. Making portals inside of portals? Pretty damn bad ass.

the gifted season 2 clarice making portals inside a portal

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Papa Strucker comes into further peril, dragging his daughter inadvertently into danger when his powers rear their ugly head and disintegrate the steering wheel of the car he’s driving. They just about escape, but not completely unscathed. Lauren then gives it to him straight and finally tells him what the audience has been screaming at every damn character since the second series began. Stop hiding your pain, struggle, agony, confront it, tell your loved ones instead of building webs of lies that do nothing but push you and your loved ones further apart.

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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Marco is blinded with a bag over his head and taken to the secret location where Reeva and her minions are creating their …’new order’. He gets to see his daughter for the first time and damn if it isn’t some beautiful television. Seeing Lorna and him in the same room, we get hints that she’s internally tortured, she even seems to exhibit signs of PTSD and after effects of mind-control when they’re in the room together.

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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This then adds up when Marcos is forcibly removed from the room and the blondes are charged with removing him from the premises, they control his mind but he temporarily breaks free injures them and screams to Lorna that they’re lying to her, that they’re in her head. Even with the trio of blondies, his memories and the strength of his emotions overwhelm him from this he regains control.

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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He has some temporary success before the all-powerful Reeva incapacitates him. The case of Marcos and Lorna is actually one that can be looked at as an interesting and very relevant topic of social commentary. In many countries around the world, the rights of the father to his children are severely undercut and less than those of the mother. His lack of any control over even seeing the birth of his child, spending any time with her or having any say in her life so far is negated and nullified, exemplifying the lack of legal rights that a lot of men suffer from in relation to their children.

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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Clarice and the infamous ‘Erg’ strike an interesting and seemingly mutually beneficial accord…. But something in the tone, score and camera direction is telling us that there’s pieces hidden from us regarding this new and deeper ‘Mutant Underground’. Curious and curiouser…

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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The theme of this episode was very much “Revelations” even if that’s not the official title, it’s a collective of the characters realizing, through force or through insight that they need to open up about what they’re struggling with, covering up, hiding. We see it with the Struckers, Marcos, Clarice and John, by the end of the episode they’ve finally grown some balls and actually discussed what’s happening.

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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We end on the intriguing tid-bit from Reeva, that what they’re building is bigger then any of them, their building something special, she tells them “Let’s get to work girls. This revolution’s not going to start itself.”

the gifted season 2 episode 3 review

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