Earlier this year, Cartoon Network released its new show Craig of the Creek. Recently its first season ended and it has been renewed for a second season to air at some point in 2019. Since its on hiatus I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the show in general (maybe I’ll look back on episodes more in depth in future articles if your interested), discuss its potential as a show and overall give my opinion.

Craig of the Creek (The Climb 3)

Photo Source: Cartoon Network – Craig of the Creek

First off, I’m going to say this show is probably not going to be everyone’s cup of tea for one reason or another. Personally, I enjoy it (I find it to be nostalgic and endearing). While Cartoon Network has been releasing shows that appeal to a wide range of audiences, this show may not capture the interest of some older audiences like said TV programs. You’ll probably know what I mean if you’ve seen episodes like “The Future is Cardboard” or “Doorway to Helen” although anyone who enjoys cartoons should still watch just to get a feel and explore their options.

We follow the life of Craig Williams, a young boy living somewhere on the east coast (probably Maryland) who loves to explore nature with his friends Kelsey and John Paul (J.P.) . One of the aspects this show offers (that I find wonderful) is its diversity. While it may not take place in a bustling city, a world of fantasy or space itself, this show found a way to introduce many interesting/ relate-able characters along with lively adventures to entertain a variety of individuals. To some, these kids antics may seem childish and silly but everyone was young once and these youngster are enjoying their youth.

Craig of the Creek (The Last Book 3)

Photo Source: Cartoon Network – Craig of the Creek

Basically, the majority of children (with a select group of teenagers) in the area spend their time in a section of the woods they call the creek. While they all choose to spend their time here, many of them are divided into several groups with a variety of interests throughout this territory. Boy scouts, cyclists and horse girls are jut to name a few parties who value their place at the creek. I’m not exaggerating when I say I struggled to narrow down this article because there is so much to show and tell. The story is fun and the art work is nice but for me the characters are what made me want to watch more.

Personally, I say if you have some spare time or want to indulge your curiosity it might be worth the watch and if not you tried. Its going to be a while before we see Craig and friends again but hopefully the new season will match or exceed the first. It may not be my favorite show but its definitely something I’ll be looking for in 2019 and I have a feeling its only going to rise in the ranks.

Thank you for reading, if you want to hear more about this show be sure to leave a like or a comment. If you do decide to check it out, also leave a comment with what you thought. Lastly, be sure to read our articles on Ok K.O. and be aware that fall tv is around the corner. Stay Nerdy!