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The CW

From Greg’s friend to Josh to Jeff to Nathaniel, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend opens up a new story-telling chapter.

Rebecca & Nathaniel are getting closer and closer, leading her to fall back into her old patterns of obsession and extra-ness. They hang out a lot and have sex a. lot. and get so close that he refers to her as his girlfriend and starts opening up to her. Of course Rebecca is loving all of this and begs him to open up even more. Nathaniel actually does! He tells her that he’s close with his mom but he wishes he were closer with his dad. That he was a lonely kid, & that overall the parents were a little cold to him throughout his life.

This tugs at Rebecca’s heartstrings and makes her want to meddle in his life and make him better and happier. She blackmails George into giving her Nathaniel Sr. schedule, tracks him down to the golf course, and has this whole plan for casually revealing to him that Nathaniel is sweet, caring, and a selfless lover. All things you absolutely should tell your boyfriends father. Before she gets to do this, she sees Plimpton Sr sneaking off into a car with a woman. She, obviously, makes George follow them and sees them pull up to a random house, where a young woman steps out of the door.


The CW

Now she’s convinced that Nathaniel’s father was having an affair, and that she has just unearthed his secret sister and the greatest scandal of all time. Instead of just talking to Nate, she stalks his sister, crashes into her car, and arranges a chance encounter at a donut shop. BUT it turns out, Nathaniel knows the girl, she’s his father’s secretary’s daughter. Mr. Plimpton is paying her tuition because her mom was such a good employee and they invite him to lunch once in a while (in secret so all the other employees don’t find out, obvi).

Surprisingly, Nathaniel forgives her for this nonsense plan and they are stronger than ever. And he makes her promise to not do shit like that anymore. Which is what Dr. Damn had been saying all along.

At Whitefeather, while some people are working, Paula is helping Darryl pick out the perfect egg donor. She zeroes in on “the perfect egg” and after some stalking and blackmail, finds out that she’s trash. Luckily, the fertilization doesn’t take. Darryl doesn’t think that’s lucky though, he’s devastated. This baby was so important to him and he was really looking forward to being a dad again. Ultimately, he sells all of his weird off-brand native-inspired merch and wants to try again right away, with his perfect sperm and another egg that he wants Auntie Paula to help find.

So that brief lesson that Auntie Paula learned about meddling, yeah it flies out the window. Donna Lynne does do some incredible work this episode, as does Mrs. Hernandez’ snarky personality.

In C plot news, Josh’s mom wants him to get his ass out of her house. It’s a harsh song, but comedically it is golden. It also helps him realize that Rebecca changed him, made him want more out of life. He shows up at her place to thank her AND MAKES HER REALIZE THAT SHE HAS TO BREAK UP WITH NATHANIEL TO WORK ON HERSELF. WHICH IS THE WORST THING HE’S EVER DONE.