
Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

On the last episode, Gail got stuck in the elevator after Lewis decided to turn off the electricity to the other buildings on the lot, but Melissa takes off too, and that’s where the concern lies.

Tandy tries to decipher Melissa’s “goodbye” note. He comes up with a bad anagram (Go Outside Outside Duh…) that obviously no one believes is what she meant.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Everyone goes outside (not because of Tandy’s anagram) and split up into cars to go look for Melissa. Tandy is beeping his horn and yelling for Carol, who is inside leaving a note for Gail, since no one knows where Gail is.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Gail hears the honking, and fires her gun a few times. Unfortunately, she is shooting during his honks, so no one hears her. Carol comes out and they leave.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Gail decides she’s going to find her own way out, and breaks a chair.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Erica and Lewis try to map out where they’ve already looked for Melissa, and where she could have gone. Tandy walks up in a dinosaur suit. His plan is to ‘catch crazy with crazy,’ but Erica thinks seeing a dinosaur will scare Melissa away.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

As Tandy is trying to argue with Erica, Todd walks in and runs back down the hall, terrified. Tandy runs after him in an attempt to explain that it’s just him, but that further scares Todd.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Carol expresses her concern about Gail not being back yet. Gail had needed some time to herself, and told Carol she was leaving, so it makes sense to assume that Gail is safe and where she wants to be. Todd is frustrated with Carol for being worried about her new adoptive mother, who is probably fine. He keeps reiterating that they need to focus all of their attention on finding Melissa, who is ‘actually missing’ and possibly in trouble. Oh the irony! Friggin’ Todd!


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

While looking for Melissa, Carol also calls out “MOM.” Todd snaps at her that Gail is fine, and that she needs to focus on the task at hand.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

While Todd is sleeping, the group decides that they should go home, in case Melissa comes back. Tandy wakes Todd up in his dinosaur costume and gets punched in the face. When Todd drives off, he crashes into a wall from lack of sleep, but then backs up and drives away more successfully.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Tandy finds Todd accidentally sleeping in the shower. Todd has been a wreck, knowing that Melissa left because of him. Tandy tries to help by naming things he knows Melissa, including that she was wearing a prison outfit and that she dug a hole through the wall. At the mention of that, Todd believes he knows where she went – Zihuatanejo, where Andy and Red go at the end of The Shawshank Redemption. (I thought it was going to be somewhere more simple, like that she had been camped out in that hole she made.)


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Gail rips off Gordon’s head (her mannequin replacement for Will Ferrell’s character who had only appeared in one episode in season two, dying of a heart attack when Carol arrived in Malibu) to use as a hammer to wedge something between the elevator doors.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Tandy agrees to help Carol look for her mom, but then Todd comes in, saying it’s time to leave. Tandy had already also agreed to help Todd look for Melissa. Carol and Todd get in a fight over Carol still trying to find Gail.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Tandy follows Carol after she walks off, and reassures her that he is on her side. He says that Gail is probably dead, covering up thee possibility that Gail left because Carol pushed her away.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Carol finds Todd and offers to help find Melissa. Carol accepts that her mom is probably away voluntarily, needing some time to herself. They hug and make up.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Carol manages to pry open the elevator doors, but she is against a wall with only a small opening.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

Todd, Carol, and Tandy find an abandoned prison bus in front of a liquor store and look around for Melissa. Carol recognizes a pizza delivery car outside of the building, and then realizes that there is one of those in their parking lot at home. Melissa must have taken a delivery car home when the prison bus died. (Reminder: Gail is who had driven here. It’s a liquor store! C’mon, guys!)


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

When they get home, Gail hears them outside again and fires her gun. Finally it has their attention. Everyone creeps toward the building (Carol, Tandy and Todd are joined by Erica and Lewis who had heard the commotion), thinking Melissa must be inside.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

They are just about to enter the building when Melissa walks up behind them with a shotgun. They assume they must have misheard and that the shot really came from outside. Gail tries to reload her gun quickly, but by the time she does, everyone is already walking back into the other building and can’t hear her.


Image Source: The Last Man on Earth on FOX

This episode makes me so nervous. Just find Gail already! No new episode of The Last Man on Earth this week, so Gail is going to have to wait (and likely die of thirst and hunger at this point). If you’re angsty and need someone to talk to, comment or tweet me – I feel your pain.