

Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

I am mostly despair and watching a show with any complex emotional resonance proved difficult, because our President-Elect is a dumpster that is about to get a victory parade by the KKK and everything may not be good, and how do we move past this and will dumpster’s VP Mr. Shitbag find a way to repeal marriage equality and all funding for planned parenthood and…Despair. Kitties. Fluffy things. Wittle bitty babies. This hour long documentary was all I could handle watching this week. Cats are so silly.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

Aw. Also there’s a woman that studies cat meowing. She’s very smart. Cat Meowing Lady for President 2020.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

And another woman who houses feral cats in Toronto. She is capable of feeling human emotions. Rosalynne 2020.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

This cat is so purrrrrrty.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

This man studies the O.G. cats in Jerusalem. He knows how to learn and love other cultures. Cat Man 2020.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

Kitty party.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

This cat looks hopeful. I want to be hopeful.


Source: The Lion In Your Living Room // Netflix

Submitted by Kevin Cucolo