

The solid base of “Younger” is that it’s always been rooted in relationships. From Liza’s friendships with Maggie, Kelsey and Lauren, to her work menteeship with Diana, to the will they won’t they with Charles; the show does an excellent job of showcasing how relationships can make or break careers and alleviate social and mental anxieties. Wednesday’s episode was a perfect exercise in the art of relationship.

At a reading for Empirical’s latest acquisition, the tension regarding the company’s future was exacerbated by the lackluster sales of “P is for Pigeon.” The stress of owning a publishing house is confirmed by Charles’s kids-they spill the beans to Liza about moving potentially…for a more affordable home. On top of that, Charles’s new dating interest Radha is skilled in the art of condescension and shade, and she doesn’t hate to use it politely to Liza. It’s awkward and wonderful writing only heightened by Diana putting her stylish foot in her mouth like only she can.

Liza and Kelsey
The Millennial imprint publishing runners are great at problem solving, innovation and spotting new talent. In a meeting with agent Redmond (Kelsey’s frenemy), they pass on a new book written by a first-time author. Liza and Kelsey later discover the book was written under a pseudonym by Empirical’s most successful author, Edward L.L. Moore. He’s a must-have author and Liza pushes Charles to make it happen…which it does. A win for Millennial and a win for Empirical.

Liza and Maggie
Maggie likes her new crush Malkie but Malkie has an ex that challenges Maggie’s entire aesthetic. Doing a bit of stalking, Maggie convinces Liza to join her at a “spiritual spa” that Malkie frequents. The “spiritual spa” is a mikveh-a cleansing bath only used by observant Jewish women. When Maggie enters the mikveh, one of the women yells out, “There’s a shiksa in the mikveh!” and the pool is drained. Maggie’s mortified but Malkie is smitten.

Liza and Josh
Although these two are “on” presently, the relationship feels almost casual. Josh tries to engage Liza in some very NSFW activity at Charles’s home after the book reading but she shuts him down. In deference to his feelings and with a bit of compromise, Liza “takes him out to the ball game” at a softball game of Maggie’s. Win-win for all.

“Younger” is moving toward a showdown between Liza and Radha for the keys to Charles’s heart in the coming weeks. Keep watching with TGON to find out how it a shakes down.