

One of the features that Pottermore was missing in the past was a Patronus test. A few weeks ago, they finally introduced one! Now you can get sorted into your Hogwarts & Ilvermony houses, find your perfect wand, and essentially know your guardian animal. It’s a beautifully designed test, with lots of suitable sounds and movements. The test consists of a couple questions that you only have a short amount of time to answer. In between questions, your Patronus starts to slowly form into the animal that best represents your happiness.


Source: Pottermore

Some people are thrilled with their Patronus results while others hate the animal they got. The results range from ‘normal’ animals to very rare magical creatures. Among the less appreciated  ‘normal’ animals were rats, different species of fish and moles. Admittedly those all seem less impressive than the birds, horses and rare magical creatures, like hippogriffs, dragons, and unicorns. There are over 140 different animal results that the quiz can give. Some are questionning the logic with which Patronuses (Patroni?) are assigned, others aren’t even convinced that this was a well-constructed quiz.


Source: Pottermore

My Patronus is a West Highland Terrier. I must say that I’m pretty pleased with it, although I’m more a cat person and I would have preferred a cat. The one thing I really miss is an explanation for why this animal was my Patronus. After all, it is the animal with whom you share the deepest affinity. Besides thinking West Highland Terriers are cute, I don’t have a (known) affinity with them.


Source: Pottermore

Have you taken the quiz? What was your patronus and how do you feel about it? Did it make you want to make a new Pottermore account and start over? Let us know!