
CS2 skins give weapons and other items in the game a unique appearance. These can range from simple color variations to complex patterns and designs. Players can choose skins according to their preferences and style. If you are the owner of Desert Eagle, you can choose among many interesting skins and in this article, you will learn about the best of them that are worth paying attention to.

The Best Desert Eagle Skins

The Desert Eagle is a powerful semi-automatic pistol that is available to both terrorist and special forces players. Each clip holds 7 rounds of .50 Action Express ammo, with 35 rounds in reserve, allowing the Deagle to deal massive damage to opponents. Let’s look at which skins will give this weapon even more meaning.

Desert Eagle | Printstream

A minimalistic and elegant skin, made in black and white colors with mother-of-pearl elements. It shimmers and looks extremely futuristic, which is why it is loved by many players. The price of this skin is not budget, but it is worth it. It is worth noting that with high values the float skin loses its beauty. The Factory New version can cost between $70-140.

Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive

The Ocean Coast skin, released as part of the “Operation Riptide” collection, is directly related to the theme. The weapon depicts the Miami coastline in abstract, overly bright colors. The drawing is made in the SynthWave style, which is reflected in the acidic orange and purple colors.

Desert Eagle | Code Red

Code Red is the exact opposite of the “Printstream” on the Desert Deagle. Unlike the first weapon on the list, Code Red is one of the flashiest skins on this weapon. This is the only bright red skin for the Desert Deagle, made in a futuristic blaster design. Code Red is also quite minimalistic. It is not overloaded with colors – there are only three of them. The skin is somewhat reminiscent of the Asimov line.

Desert Eagle | Blaze

Everyone who uses Desert Eagle with skins probably dreams of “Flame”. This is the most popular and famous skin on Desert Eagle, which features an image of orange flames. The price for this item is very high, although it is not rare. The cost of this skin can exceed $500.

Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption

Rusty Cobalt is one of the few skins that was created by Valve. The weapon is painted in blue US Navy camouflage, and the skin is “covered” with metal foil, so it shimmers during inspection. The cost of this skin exceeds $50 and increases depending on the float value.

Desert Eagle | Sunset Storm

Storm at sunset comes in two variations: 弐 and 壱. The difference lies in the handle of the weapon: in the first version, you can see the image of a certain creature, in the second there is nothing. For this reason, a variation with an additional pattern is priced more expensive. The skin itself is extremely rare, belongs to the Japanese collection, and shows a storm.

How to Get Skins in CS2?

The easiest way to get a skin in CS2 is to purchase it on the Steam market or on third-party platforms. This method is best chosen by those players who want to get a specific Desert Eagle skin.

The free way to get a skin in CS2 is an active game. Every week, subject to increasing rank, the player receives a choice of 4 items, which may include skins, a case, stickers, and graffiti. The player can choose two items. If you want to get the Desert Eagle skin this way, you will need patience and luck.

Additionally, you can exchange some of your skins for your desired Desert Eagle skin. In this case, you have to find a player who will need skins from your inventory.

Wrapping It Up 

Desert Eagle is a beautiful and effective weapon, for which you should choose a wonderful skin that will highlight its beauty. The skins mentioned in the article can be found in the best CS2 cases. Pay attention to Operation Riptide Case, Fracture Case, Horizon Case, and eSports 2013 Winter Case.