I love to read. Unfortunately, I haven’t taken the time to read as much as I once had. I devoured books quickly, but I fell out of the habit. However, I am slowly getting back into it. In fact, my sister-in-law and I started reading books together. The first one we read together was Midnight Sun. Thankfully this book didn’t give me the same experience as the last one.

In A Court of Thorns and Roses, we meet Feyre and her family, struggling through the winter. Her mother is dead, but she has her father, who is crippled, and her two sisters Nesta, who is the oldest, and Elain, the middle sister, left. They were once rich, and her father was known as the “Prince of Merchants” but was not a hands-on father. Their mother didn’t take care of them either. She was always too busy planning parties and whatnot and securing social status to be bothered with her kids. Fate was not kind, and Feyre’s father lost all of their money, and they were forced into poverty. When the father’s creditors came and beat him, they damaged his leg for life. Feyre became the sole provider for the family because the father gave up, and the sister had no motivation to seek employment. Even though they had an education, they were content to let their illiterate sister (Feyre) figure it out. And figure it out she did.

Source Andie Boyungs for The Game of Nerds

Feyre became a hunter and a trader. Even with her skill, or perhaps because of it, she killed a Fae and provoked a punishment. In this world, Fairies and all that they encompass live in this world, but there is a clear-cut divide between the land of the fae and the human world. This happened after a massive war between the humans and fairies. When Feyre kills the fae wolf, Tamlin violently comes and offers a choice between dying at that moment or going to live in the fairy lands. She chose the latter, and he collected her immediately. She is magically knocked out during the trip and awakens in the Spring Court.

For me, the difference between the two worlds is like Kansas and Oz. Kansas was black and white and flat. So was Feyre’s home. Coming over to the Spring Court was like landing in Oz. So rich in color and texture. It’s beautiful. Feyre battles herself so much at first. She hates the fae, and now she must live with them. She meets Tamlin, who is the high fae High Lord of the Spring Court. She meets his close friend Lucien. The wolf she killed was their friend Andras. When Feyre meets those of the Spring Court, she finds they all wear masks.

This is incredibly frustrating. I spend the book dying to know what everyone looks like. Don’t get me wrong. The masks fit the story. They make sense. It’s just frustrating. This book hits so many things for me. There is magic and myth, drama, humor, and romance. There is frustration and a need to keep reading. I can watch as I read. I can see the masks and the change in Feyre as she goes from starving to healthy, and so much more in my mind as I read. One of the most fantastic things was what I mentioned earlier, the whole Wizard of Oz effect. The story was exciting and kept me reading.

I am eager to start the next book, A Court of Mist and Fury. But, first, We are reading Dark Witch by Nora Roberts. You can find all three books on Amazon and Kindle. Have you read this yet? What were your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, have fun storming the castle!

A Court Of Thorn and Roses https://www.amazon.com/Court-Thorns-Roses-Sarah-Maas-ebook/dp/B00OZP5VRS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2MO6UIIVWTDF0&keywords=a+court+of+thorns+and+roses&qid=1670018590&sprefix=a+court%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1

A Court Of Mist and Fury https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015FELXQ0?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_1&storeType=ebooks

Dark Witch https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Witch-Cousins-ODwyer-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B00BC25992/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BAG79X1Q2SHD&keywords=dark+witch+nora+roberts&qid=1670018720&s=digital-text&sprefix=Dark+Witch%2Cdigital-text%2C138&sr=1-1