Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. They have had all kinds of reasons for gracing the body. Spiritual purposes, identifying a person, showing their place among the tribe, and most recently as decoration are all reasons for tattoos throughout history. It is a beautiful art form, full of color and life and, for some teeming with meaning. I have a number of them myself. I have a dragon, a unicorn, stars, and a few others. I love them. I am a nerd for fantasy.

I thought I would show some ideas for small tattoos. Ones that can be easily hidden but will go with any color scheme. With the exception of one picture in the article, I didn’t show pictures of already completed tats. I prefer to look at the potential of a piece rather than someone else’s vision.

Disney~ There are so many possibilities. Absolutely endless. Disney has done the best job of making lovable characters in both the heroes and the villains. You could get the eyes of a villain you relate with, and they would be recognizable. You could get the drawing of Simba in the cave with Rafiki. A silhouette of Peter Pan, Wendy, and the boys would be sweet. If something smaller is more your speed, the picture below is an easy little symbol for each princess.

Source Disney wiki fandom

Harry Dresden~ The two pieces of jewelry that have been with Harry since the beginning is his mother’s pentacle pendant and his shield bracelet. I would love to get the shields on a chain tattooed on my wrist.

Source Badali Jewelry

Anita Blake~ Anita’s favorite possessions are her weapons. Those are hard to tattoo in a manner that will still be looking good years from now. Now, her faithful stuffed penguin, Sigmund, would be up to the job. That is one I will be considering.

The Endless~ I recently wrote articles for Dream, Death, Desire, Delirium, Despair, Destruction, and Destiny. Each of them has a sigil that is used to call them. You could tattoo each one in a circle on your wrist or ankles.

Source The Endless Wiki Fandom

Supernatural~ Again, so many possibilities. I found symbols from the show to give you some ideas. You can get them incorporated into a larger Supernatural tattoo or get it set against a watercolor background. pic

Source Supernatural Amino Apps

Couples tattoo~ What better couple is there than Westley and Buttercup? I challenge you to tell me a better fiction couple. Get Westley’s mask and Buttercup’s braid if you are looking for something small. My other idea is one I want for my husband and me. My husband is a hardcore gamer, and I am a reader. I think it’s cute.

Source Couples Parent Influence

I think I need some ink therapy after writing this article. Did I give you any ideas? Do you already have plans for some nerdy skin art? Tell me about it in the comments below. I want to know! Until next time, have fun storming the castle!