With all the excitement surrounding escape rooms, we have decided to list the top 5 escape games for iPhones that you can play on your iPhone or iPad! So if you need a new mobile game to play, you have certainly come to the right place. 

Escape room games are relatively new but have gained popularity very quickly. That said, there have been a few escape room-styled games online, going back to the Flash era. With countless games out there, we decided to choose the cream of the crop, which was the closest in resemblance to actual escape rooms. Whether you appreciate escape rooms or can never get enough people to go to real ones, you can download the games from this list. 

1. The Room Three  

The whole Room series is worth playing if you’re a fan of escape room games. This game has plenty of physical puzzles inside a genuinely dazzling and well-designed room. The premise of this game is that you have wound up on a remote island and need to solve a lot of riddles to overcome a trial made by “The Craftsman,” who is genuinely hoping that you fail.  

​​The Room starts sort of like a reverse escape room. You get a mysterious note and stand before a box on a table. As you turn and investigate the fantastic, complicated contraption, you find different hooks and switches that, when activated, uncover more layers, similar to a wooden onion.  

An eyepiece flings you further into the weirdness, giving insight into an unusual secret universe of ghostly writing and symbols. Creepy murmuring voices amplify the mystery. As more notes show up, chronicling the creator’s slow decline into madness, you may feel a bit of insanity yourself on conflicting with an especially uncooperative riddle. 

A few boxes later, and you get an ending, kind of, albeit one that doesn’t clarify anything. By then, it’s time to get into Room Two, which is slightly more expensive. Rather than focusing on the boxes, you have to escape from rooms by finding a way to unlock the different objects located inside them.  

Once again, this is a game that effortlessly combines clever puzzles, a tactile interface, and superb atmospherics. Regardless of whether you’re on a squeaking ship or investigating a chilling seance room where things have turned out badly.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

​​2. Myst 

Initially delivered on the Mac in 1993, Myst was a revolutionary adventure game. Cast in the role of the Stranger, you, out of nowhere, wind up on the apparently abandoned island of Myst in the wake of having been ridiculous enough to read a book that ended up being laced with magic.  

You wake up on a dock, close to an utterly wrecked ship, with no idea what to do. Also, there’s no hand-holding at all: Myst cheerfully throws you into the deep end, expecting you to investigate the island, solve puzzles, find clues, and slowly work your way through the strange quest.  

On the iPhone, there are two different ways to play. Myst is a straightforward version of the Mac game, except that the mouse click is replaced with taps on the screen. From a visual angle, it’s likened to a slideshow of pre-delivered imagery. RealMyst is a more modern adaptation, with free-form movement that allows you to explore your surroundings in a less restricted way.  

3. Forever Lost  

Dodgy voiceover aside, there’s an unmistakable feeling of atmosphere as you awake in Forever Lost, trapped in a room. Escaping isn’t overly complex, albeit the writing scribbled on the walls is creepy and distressing: you’re not the first person to be trapped in that room.  

One quick breakout later, and you discover you’re still stuck, just in the greater prison of a neglected asylum. Wandering a little from the ‘discover thing/use thing’ mechanics found in many escape games, Forever Lost frequently as you progress through different clues hiding in patterns and words. 

There’s likewise an infesting peculiarity about what’s happening, indicated from the beginning when you play a videogame on an abandoned iPad (how meta!), and an item you discover winds up in your real-world inventory. 

Even though it’s a bit dull visually and much of the time bleak, Forever Lost’s more inquisitive moments and engaging puzzles guarantee its enjoyment. Plus, its in-game camera (which you can use to take pictures of anything you find, to use for later reference) is a splendid feature that all escape games should have. 

4. Machinarium 

Of all the games in this list, Machinarium is more like a point-and-click. The wordless story features a little robot who needs to reassemble himself back together after being dumped in a scrapyard before wandering into the world to save his captured girlfriend and foil the evil plans of the Black Cap Brotherhood.  

The most striking thing about Machinarium is its stunning visuals, with a superb hand-drawn art style loaded with character. The world you get to explore feels coherent, regardless of whether it’s exceptionally odd (an early riddle expecting you to act like a police robot via paint and a pimped-out traffic cone).  

Machinarium likewise has inclusion in this round-up as it echoes escape games as far as design. Each puzzle is restricted to a couple of screens (frequently only one) and focuses on logic. The game’s additionally very enthusiastic about detail: a significant number of its challenges might appear to be wilfully dark, yet frequently you’re simply not looking hard enough or not thinking laterally.  

5. Agent A  

Agent A is a more conventional escape game in the guise of a breezy spy romp. It starts with you following Ruby La Rouge, who blows up a boat alongside your boss. Vowing that she will pay for her crimes, you break into her home, and she traps you in there. For reasons unknown, you can’t simply smash your way through the ample coating (La Rouge has a stunning house) and should instead unravel an overly complex path to an exit.  

Visually, Agent A feels new and sharp, and there’s a wit about the narrative, as well, with accommodating reactions to anything you end up prodding. The puzzles are at times lacking in creativity, yet are fulfilling when you recall a detail you recognized that could be the answer for a riddle.  

The game would be a lot higher on our list if it came with Forever Lost’s camera (a built-in notebook is cool, if gimmicky, on iPad, yet less suited to iPhones), and a little less backtracking. However, it, in any case, takes a standard foundation and adds lashings of class and polish.