Source: Inverse

In the opening we watch the ritual of bringing a child into the world. I don’t think I would be able to comfortably give birth this way. From there all the Handmaid’s were in a circle and blaming June for the death of a Martha. Then the tables were turned and Ofmatthew. June revealed that Ofmatthew didn’t want her baby and she was put in the hot seat. Aunt Lydia reflects on her life. She was once a teacher.

Commander Lawrence has is really pissed off with June after her little escapade with Mrs. Lawrence. June goes back with the birth mobile (I even typed that with a straight face), to help Ofandy. The baby was stillborn. Commander Lawrence speaks with June after she returns. June gives Commander Lawrence a piece if her mind.

Source: Daily Express

Aunt Lydia continues to reflect on her life. She particularly remembers Noelle and her son Ryan and a man named Jim. We find out that not only was Aunt Lydia a teacher but prior to that she was a lawyer. She remembers her freak out and having Ryan removed from his mother’s care. I think these are her first steps on the road to becoming a Martha.

Ofmatthew was being shun throughout the whole episode. You could see how it weighed on her. She finally lost it. Why was she being shunned? What happens when she looses it? Let me know what you think in the comments below. Til next week…

Source: Daily Express