Letterkenny is a fictional town in Canada and the place where hilarity ensues. Letterkenny follows the different groups in Letterkenny and the citizens problems. The series follows Wayne and Katy who are brother and sister and run a fruit stand. Their friends Daryl and Squirrely Dan always accompany them and their shenanigans. I get such a kick out of the way they say things.

Source IMDB

As I said the series follows the different cliques. There are the Hicks who are the farmers such as Wayne, Katy, Daryl and Dan. Then there are the Skids, aka drug users. There are the out-of-towners who make up the Hockey Team. The Natives which is the members of the First Nation.

There are 6 seasons of Letterkenny. Come back next week as I go over season one. If you beat me to it I would love to hear what you think in the comments below! Til next week…

Source IMDB