Sweet potato fries vs original fries and machine vs man, these touchy subjects were the focus on this weeks episode of “Bob’s Burgers”. “Long Time Listener, First Time Bob”, episode nineteen of season nine, most likely hit home for many viewers in some form or another. For those of you out there who enjoy the radio, you know the difference a good host can make to a program but in recent years many jobs have been made automated making certain position obsolete. We felt the fries argument made a wonderful compliment to this journey the Belchers took but we will elaborate on that later in the article.

Bobs Burgers (Long Time Listener First Time Bob 1)

Photo Source: FOX – Bob’s Burgers

Like usual, Bob’s restaurant has been over looked by the general public and, as result, put him in a bad mood. Many of us are familiar with article pertaining to food recommendations and one of these articles made Bob feel his restaurant was outdated. He claims all the places selected were trendy new-ish places that offered cool food that appeals to the younger generation. Unfortunately, the feeling you need to conform to a general idea is relate-able as adaption is key to success in many cases. As a result of this article, Bob purchased a large sum of sweet potatoes in-order to offer sweet potato fries on the menu.

Bobs Burgers (Long Time Listener First Time Bob 3)

Photo Source: FOX – Bob’s Burgers

In a random twist of fate, Bob meets a sort of role model early on, Clem. Clem, much like Bob, prefers to operate on his own terms which has lead him from being a radio dj to an employee at a bowling alley. One thing leads to another which ends up with the Bob and Clem hijacking the radio station with the Belcher kids in tow. The episode then continues to take us through Bob trying to deescalate the situation and get Clem to see reason. Of course Gene, Tina and Louise are enjoying the chaos. As the story progresses Clem persists and eventually gets everyone, including his old work friend, kicked out of the building. In a last minute attempt to help Clem reach more fans, Bob suggests they steal the van the station used. This plan later falls through but fans of the show later call in requesting more and a new employer (who previously offered Clem a job) offers him and his friend new jobs at his station which they take.

Meanwhile, when most of this was happening, Linda and Teddy were experimenting with sweet potato pies she had baked incorrectly but forced themselves to eat them. After hearing her family on the radio, the two decide to eat the pie in Teddy’s car and look for them around town. Linda soon calls in and talks them down which help them to see reason. Linda’s story was more comedic until the end. Just as a side note, it was a little odd that someone who works in a restaurant could mess up ten pies the way she did.

Bobs Burgers (Long Time Listener First Time Bob 2)

Photo Source: FOX – Bob’s Burgers

The moral of the story circulated around the idea that what some people might not appreciate, there will be others who will. Also, compromise can be good in reasonable moderation so don’t be closed off to new avenues. The issue with Clem and the sweet potato fries were a reflection of each other regarding these lessons which added to the plots overall aesthetic. It should also be mentioned that when you make a pie follow a recipe or at the very least recognize the issue and don’t repeat your past mistakes. Overall happy ending, Bob got his petty revenge, the sweet potatoes got used and Clem along with his friend got new jobs at a station that appreciates their spirit.

Thank you for reading and please be sure to check out next weeks article for episode twenty’s review. Leave a like, comment below on your opinion of the episode and share this article with your friends. Have fun with your favorite programs and always be nerdy.