"Younger" Ep. 504 (Aired 6/26/18)

Courtesy TVLand

Charles is still being super salty about Liza’s tiny untruth, Josh doesn’t know what a hiatus means, Diana finally gets the love life and story arc she deserves, and Sutton Foster dates her ex-husband Christian Borle.

So a few things go down this episode, though none of it gets us closer to getting Liza & Charles back together.

First, Josh and Maggie hang out a lot this episode, which is great because he can use her wise advice the most right now. He says he wants to cut sex out of his life for 90 days, and maybe booze and gluten too. However, by the end of the episode, he’s had sex with the hot dog owner whose dog he rescues from abandonment (her douche-y ex just leaves the pup near Josh one night and disappears) and gotten wine drunk with Maggie so…not exactly the plan he wanted to stick to, but if it helps him get over Clare/Liza, I volunteer to help however I can *wink*

"Younger" Ep. 504 (Aired 6/26/18)

Next up, Dianna throws an amazing game night for her coworkers and all of New York’s eligible bachelors. Unfortunately, the game of Mafia they play casts Liza as the killer and Charles shows his saltiness by being extra during the game and trying to prove that Liza is a liar. But boy, she’s been doing this for years she is an expert! He gets himself in trouble and murdered from the game, but at least they had some fun sexual tension to build on later.

At the party, Diana’s toilet gets clogged and Liza calls in, guess who, THE HOT ASS PLUMMER FROM SEASON 3! He comes in, flirts with Diana like his life depends on it and asks her out on a date. YAAAS QUUEEEN! He comes to pick her up the next day in his plumber truck and takes her to Staten Island for the perfect Italian food. She is so not impressed with the start of the date but then he orders the perfect 500$ bottle of wine and table side flambé things and all of a sudden she’s hella impressed. I hope he sticks around because more Diana is always a good thing and she deserves a relationship that isn’t ass.

Now onto our girl Liza. She is so tired of Charles’ attitude at the party that she engages with Don Ridley, who writes (wrote, but we’ll get to that) for GQ & Vanity Fair. Sidebar – IT’S CHRISTIAN BORLE! Every time I see him now I can only think of Smash and how it ended prematurely and how we deserve a Bombshell on Broadway with IVY LYNN AS MARILYN…but I digress. Christian is flirting it up with Sutton and invites her as his +1 to the People Young SomethingOrOther party and she agrees. We also see him steal a pork chop from Diana’s food table.

"Younger" Ep. 504 (Aired 6/26/18)

Courtesy TVLand

Of course, Charles sees this weird display and starts teasing Liza (bring some Tupperware to the party) in his non-funny ways. Add this weird thieving to the fact that Don is all flirty with Liza and making Charles jealous, and you get why he crashes Ridley’s book pitch and literally rejects everything within 2 seconds. Liza storms into his office and resigns, but despite his salt, he sort of apologizes to her and tells her to stay for the company’s sake.

So like, awwww, I guess?

Don Ridley admits to Liza that he can’t really get work anymore, so he writes clickbait articles for shitty gossip blogs and can barely make ends meet. Hence the food stealing and the constant partying (free food). Liza identifies with this dudes hustle and continues to date him.

All in all nothing much went down, but you guys the stage is set for all this tension to exploooooode before the end of the season and I am here for it!

"Younger" Ep. 504 (Aired 6/26/18)

Courtesy TVLand